The Cruelty of Her World

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She is the girl that everyone would think to be a different person. As she looks out of her character with her lonely gestures and sad eyes that other thinks to be a rude of her to them.

As she accept the fact that people can't give her the satisfaction of respect, the girl's mind is being clouded with doubts, fear and unhealthy thoughts which drowns her to the deepest. She thought that having her being hurt would make the happy that's why she don't give them the satisfaction of seeing her being miserable each time.

But between those empty lonely eyes is an vessel full of darkness. Not because she's being treated with cruelty but because she is dieing, to the point that she keep hurting herself when no once around. She kept crying for help as God is who's only with her every time.

She has a family but the one that she knows to understand her has also been gone for a long time and left her. As she keeps on saying that "it's Okay" for her, day by day every thing seems to give her the feeling of being numb with each judgement thrown to her. She keeps on cheering for herself as she is dragging her own grave.

Hurt is an understatement for she is severely wounded by those fragments, when she sees the cause of those shards to be broken into pieces. The old her from her younger days made her realize how far she is now, like what happened to the free girl full of positivity as she is being eaten alive by the monsters of reality.

The girl is tired, but she cannot let them tear her down. As for her downfall is what would make them happy, for her being pushed to depth is what they are satisfied, and for every time they see her cry would be the reason of their internal laughs.

Scared by everything the girl kept to be enclosed, from her family and from those who's around her. She tend to see how the outlook she had for the world she have is an understatement of what it really is, and she can't let them push her down more than anyone as it was only herself that is always their for her in times of trouble, desperation and destruction.

She have maybe still be living, but that doesn't change the fact that she's more feeling miserable with things. But she keeps fighting for the cruelty of her world may give her struggles and harm her, she is not her if she won't fight for herself. That in the midst of everything she is more than willing to feel that she would be free in the end.

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