Chapter Twenty-Three: New Surprises

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A few weeks later the two were celebrating Bean's third birthday and Mascabado was holding him in her lap as he held Mr. Whiskers in his arms as he was very quiet and very calm as he was thinking about something as Mascabado was rubbing his back too.

"I know what you are thinking about sweetie I miss them too but they are here we just can't see them" she whispered softly and Bean looked at her and nodded softly and gave her a hug and she hugged him back and whispered comforting words to him too.

This made Bean whimper and start crying softly and feel better about this whole birthday now as Cronut and Walnut came in with Croissant who had the cake and they smiled and sang Happy Birthday to him as they put the in front of Bean and Mascabado as well.

This made Bean sniffle and smile as he grabbed Mr. Whiskers and blew out the candles and they had alall had a slice of the marble flavored cake with buttercream frosting and the kids really liked it as they were smiling and closed their eyes in happiness and content too.

And soon Bean was sitting down and opening presents and he was very excited to see what he got from everyone and opened one from Police who had got out of the hospital and the ancients had talked to him cleared him for all the charges he did with Tiger Nut.

And the office cleared him from the charges as well meaning he still had his job as a cop and he felt so grateful for this that he actually cried and Cronut smiled softly at and glad he was going to be ok and thought it was nice he gave Bean a birthday gift for his birthday too.

What he gave him was a coloring book and crayons for it and Croissant gave him was his and Walnut's music box after it was completely fixed and it never hand anymore glitches and the kids were very happy with that as Oatmeal's gift was opened next by Bean.

It was a nice tie to go with his casual outfit he always wore everyday and he really liked it a lot and Mascabado helped him put it on as Walnut gave him hers and she gave him a pair of shoes he needed since he already outgrew his other ones in a flash too.

Next was Cronut and Mascabado's gifts but they didn't have anything in their hands "sorry Bean but thus gift is for you and Walnut together" Cronut said gently and he took the kids to the living room and Mascabado put Bean in her lap and Cronut put Walnut in his lap.

Then they pulled out a envelope and opened it up and Walnut's eyes widen as Cronut read it out loud and she started to cry as Bean looked confused as he didn't understand what was happening with his sister or what Cronut was reading until he heard something too.

"Walnut and Bean this is paperwork that we worked on and we need your permission to do it" Cronut whispered gently and Walnut nodded as she got excited about this as Bean whined as he wanted to know what was going on "Bean this means we are to adopt you."

"A-adopt? W'at ta't mean?" He asked with a new lisp he developed from his late dad and Mascabado smiled and explained what it meant "it means we will be your new mommy and daddy" she whispered softly and Bean's eyes widen as he started to cry softly as well.

" won't weave me...wight?" He whispered softly this made both adults hug him tightly and whisper no and they soon went to the graveyard told their late parents the news abd they looked very happy as they told them everything they wanted to tell them.

"And now we got new patents but we won't ever forgot you guys" Walnut said with a smile and Bean nodded as well and they said goodbye and walked home as three ghosts with two of them holding two bundles watched with smiles and looked very happy as well.

"Thank you Cronut for everything and thank you too, Mascabado and Croissant" they whispered softly and the watched the group went home as they signed the paperwork together with big smiles too as they felt at peace and left them to go to a wonderful nice place.

And soon Cronut had to ask his girlfriend something very important as he winked at Croissant who nodded and the kids were confused about what he was doing until they saw him make a very sweet little speech and get on one knee and get so very excited about this.

"I call flowergirl!" Walnut shouted in excitement and Bean looked and wanted to help too as the couple and Croissant smiled at him and soonthe kids were adopted by the couple and the couple were soon married and they were very happy with this as well too.

That is until the couple decided they wanted to expand their small lives and called the kids into the living room with smiles on their faces as the kids looked very confused about what was going on with their new parents as they got into their laps with puzzled expressions too.

"What's happening dad?" Walnut asked and Cronut only smiled as he and his wife both said together with big smiles on their faces as the kids gasped softly and teared up as they smiled "we're going to have another baby and you two are gonna be a big brother and sister~"

"Oh my Gods really?!" Walnut screamed and both patents nodded as Bean touched his mom's belly "when babee come mommy?" He asked and Mascabado giggled and shook her head "no baby boy not that way" she said and she explained how they were to him too.

She grabbed two stork figurines and explained what he could understand and he understood it and they soon were waiting with very excited expressions on their faces as Croissant walked over to the window seat with some sandwiches and drinks for them.

"Still waiting?" She asked with a smile and they nodded and ate the sandwiches and drank their drinks as they waited and waited and waited until they finally saw the car pull up and looked very excited as they jumped down from the window seat quickly.

"They're home!" Walnut screamed and Bean who finally had his arm healed up jumped up and down excitement too and they ran to the the door as the couple walked in with a very tiny blue bundle as they saw a binky moving very slowly in the bundle as it slowly moved.

And the chest slowly moved up and down as Mascabado kelt down to their level with a big smile on her face as she slowly and very gently spoke to them "Walnut, Bean, meet your new baby brother Rookie Marble Cookie~" and she gently and slowly showed off her baby.

And the kids eyes grew wide as they smiled wide as they felt their hearts swell in happiness as well.

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