Masamune Takano-x-Ristu Onodera

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Ritsu's POV:
Today I had to work late proofreading mango story lines. It sure is late and I'm finally done, Takano-San is sick and didn't come in to work today. I'm still worried about him...maybe I'll go check on him...
No he'll probably just harass me..but he is sick so maybe not..I'll just go check on I'm sure I'll be fine. As I was over to Takano-san's apartment I get a nice welcoming glare from Yokozawa. Of course he's there now I can't see Takano. I MEAN ITS NOT ANYTHING I CARE ABOUT! I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT LIKE HIM!
"What are you doing here?" Yokozawa says still glaring at me from Takano's front door. "I-i was just uhm.."
why couldn't I reply..? "Passing I was just passing!" I said lying, I took the elevator down to and left. Ann was waiting outside like she knew I was coming. "Hey Rittie!" She says waving to me. "Oh Ann-Chan what are you doing here?" I reply slightly running to her. "Well I figured that you'd come outside so I decided to wait for. Although I've been saint for thirty minutes." How'd she know I was going to be outside-? I was originally gonna check on Takano-San..?

Takano's POV:

I can't believe Yokozawa made me miss work because of a stupid fever. Work is very important and he of all people should know that! So I'm currently sitting in bed and- oh was that a knock? Well I'll go to the door then. I walk to the door and open it, it was Yokozawa. "Oh why are you here?" I ask him, opening the door wider so he could come in. "Well I came to check up on you." He reply's standing against the wall.
"Well you can sit down" I say pointing to the couch. "And I'm completely fine, I don't know why I had to stay home instead of do work, you do know that work is very important." I say sitting next to him on the couch. As soon as I sit down I get a call from..Onodera? I pick up the phone and go to my room to talk to him. "Yes?" I answer the phone standing against the door. "I just wanna check up on you.." he mumbles, it was almost impossible to hear what he was saying. "Oh how sweet." I reply smiling. "I-its nothing special!" He stutters through the phone. I let out a small chuckle. "Alright well I'm doing just fine." I say still with a smile on my face.
I didn't expect him to call just to check up on me, I didn't expect him to care at all. "Mmm ok good.." he says then hangs up the phone. He must be shy. Heh. I walk back out to Yokozawa and we talk for a while

Ritsu's POV:

The night went by fast as I told Ann that I was gonna leave. By the time I got back Yokozawa was walking out of Takano's apartment. He stops for a second to stare at me then leaves. I walk to my apartment and goo inside. It was such a long day and I was excited to go to sleep.

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