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"My good old friend Bob. How wonderful to see you. And you've brought little Xavier-Yves with you, too." André pinches XY's cheek.

XY pushes his hand away, "Uh, my peeps call me XY, if you don't mind, Mr. Mayor. Xavier-Yves is way too-"

"XY! Of course! The famous DJ XY!" André sits the two down, "It's an honor for the palace to receive such a fantastic artist and his father."

"Does that mean dinner's on the house, then?" Bob asks.


Bob laughs, "I'm joking."

André laughs as well, "You're too much, Bob. Always the comedian. Enjoy your meal. Bon appetite!" he walks away.

Bob turns to his son, "I tried. Okay, we need to talk about this special TV appearance you're gonna be making. You know, this'll be a major promotional event for you. You got any new material to premiere? New ideas?"

"'Course not, Dad. You know I never have any ideas." XY says before he and his dad laugh.

"So let me hear what you've ripped-er, what you've come up with this year." Bob says as he listens to his son playing a song on a laptop before signaling him to stop, "Isn't it a bit similar to what you were doing last year?"

XY plays last year's song, finding both to be one and the same, "Oh, yeah. I guess I ripped off my own music." he and his dad laugh again.

"Never mind. No one will know the difference anyway. Image is key. What kind of visuals you got going? Any concepts?"

"Any what?"

"Forget it. I'll use the same plan that's made me the rich man I am today. If you're short on great ideas, borrow someone else's." Bob and his son laugh so hard that the other guests start to stare at them.


"You guys have to see this!" Isabella shoves her phone into Ryder's face as he was with Luka, Rose, Juleka, and Ivan.

"Okay, no need for shoving your phone in my face." Ryder smiles before playing the video on her phone.

"We're looking for new talent. Stunning musical and visual skills are a must. With a brand new style that everyone will die for. You have two weeks to send in your videos."

"It's a perfect opportunity to showcase Kitty Section." Adrien told the group.

"Along with the stage clothes Mari and Belle designed." Alissa wraps an arm around her best friend, Marinette blushing and giggling.

"Thanks for suggesting them, Ryder." Luka smiles at the boy.

Ryder blushes for a moment, chuckling to himself, "If we all pitch in, two weeks is more than enough time to make an awesome video. Is everyone in?"

"Here we go!" Rose cheers as the group high-fives.

"Kitty Section!"


While the band practices, Luka looks over at Ryder, who blushes as Isabella and Marinette design costumes for them. Alissa records the band's performance as Adrien watches. She later sends the video to Bob Roth, the teens hugging in success.

(Old Version) Miraculous Season Three: Secrets and MiseryWhere stories live. Discover now