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the borderlands was a place you despised the most. when you arrived to the wretched place, all you had wished for was to just get back to your normal life. where there were no life or death situations, where you just had a normal life and a normal place to stay.

you had just finished playing a game, almost risking your life. you couldn't ever believe a world like this could ever exist, but it did. you hated it. the games scared you and you couldn't understand why this was happening. you didn't want it to happen and you never wished for anything bad in your life, so why would this happen to you? was this a punishment for bad things you have done in your life? as far as you know, you hadn't done anything that was extreme, but at this point you had wished that you didn't do anything if that was the case for this situation. anything to get out of this terrible place.

after walking for a long time, trying to find shelter, you stumbled across a building shining bright with various colors. at first, you thought it was another mysterious game you had to play during your stay in the borderlands. you were losing hope. you didn't have anybody. you stopped counting days once you arrived here. sometimes you think why this happened to specifically you. you just wanted to go home. but maybe, just maybe this game could take you home. actually home.  as you got closer to the building, you could see that it wasn't a game. it was a huge hotel and a big sign laid out in front of you read "RESORT HOTEL", but was crossed out with red spray paint which now read, "THE BEACH". this hotel didn't seem to be abandoned though. it was almost in perfect shape. not a crack in the beige building was visible. the lights shone even more bright now in different colors now that you were closer.

due to your curiosity, you enter the building. there was a pool area and you were surprisingly greeted with what seemed to be a party. you now notice this is where the light had come from. what seemed to br a DJ was playing a pop song on a small turn table and many people crowded the area. some people were dancing, laying down, and some even getting intimate with each other. there were chairs and umbrellas placed everywhere and a huge pool sat in the middle of the area. there was a porch leading to more doors, but you wanted to discover this area first. the sight of this somewhat made you relieved. you haven't ever seen a place like this for a long time since you entered the borderlands, and it seemed a bit of humanity was left because of this. you decided to blend into the crowd and join the dance floor. you inhaled the air. it reeked of sweaty bodies and chlorine. you kept on bumping into people, but you didn't care. this was the most human you've ever felt in the borderlands, and you were happy.

soon after, you discovered that this place was known as the beach. it was a place that was considered a safe haven, a perfect utopia, and you agreed. this was a place where you could stay to shield yourself from the dirty streets and horrors of the borderlands. almost everything was perfect. there was a room for everyone, hot showers, food served 24/7, and there was even parties everyday without stop! you absolutely adored this place. you were very happy to have had found it. for some reason, this made the borderlands much better. there were definitely some downsides to the beach, but you didn't care about that. you've only stayed here for a couple of days, but you've felt so welcomed and so safe. most of your days are spent now sitting outside near the pool, basking in the sunlight or swimming around in the pools. you still had to play games, but this was way better than the numerous abandoned buildings you had to stay in for shelter. none of them could compare to the beach.

today was your first day playing a game after you found the beach. you weren't as happy because you preferred staying in the beach, but if you didn't play a game there would be no more beach and you would die a miserable death. you were led to the outside lobby of the beach and were brought to one of the cars that brought you to the games laid out everywhere. even the transportation was better at the beach! you couldn't find a single working car outside of the borderlands!

you entered one of the cars in front of you and the car seemed to be empty except for one women inside. she looked at you to see who entered the car and looked away after. she had a cigarette in her mouth. the women was so very pretty. you could feel a slight blush enter your face as you looked at her. she had slight pink lipstick on and slick but light eyeliner. she wore a blue bikini top and flared pants, and had long black dreads. you badly wanted to be her friend. you nervously sat next to her and awaited for other people to arrive.

after people arrived, the car started to drive to the game. the woman looked over at you and asked, "are you new to the beach? "

you were startled, but answered. " yeah, i am. "

she smiled at you. " i'm kuina! glad to see more people are alive. "

you said, " well, good luck in the game today, kuina."

she smiled back at you. you're heart slightly fluttered. the girl made you nervous. she was gorgeous and she seemed to be sweet too for first interactions. you really hoped you could befriend her if you made it out of today's game alive. you haven't made a friend ever since your stay here, and the woman seemed friendly.
after the games, the car headed back to the beach. you decided to sit outside for a bit at the pool area. it was your favorite place, after all. most of the people were still playing games, so the area was almost near empty. this is another thing you liked about the beach. there were places were you could just think and quiet down. you closed your eyes and laid down on the cool floor, imagining your old life and how much you miss it.

a voice interrupted you. " are you okay? "

your eyes shot open and you see kuina, the woman you met earlier today. you quickly got up, feeling just a bit embarrassed.

" yes, yes! im fine! sorry, i was just thinking, " you say. you could almost feel your heart pop out of your chest. it seems as if you have developed a tiny crush for this woman, which seems almost impossible. you had just met this woman and she had made your heart flutter more than anyone else had.

" well, what were you thinking about? " she asks taking a seat next to you.

" i was thinking .. about my life before. i do it frequently, " you sigh.

" i do that too. i wonder why the borderlands brought us here, and i wonder how we could ever get out of this place, whatever you would call it. " she says.

" yeah, me too. " you agree.

the two of you just sat near the pool in silence. not the awkward silence, but the one you can just sit in for hours. the calm type of silence. it was relaxing. your fingers grazed the water beneath you, and you inhaled the air that entered your body. it was different from the one you inhaled the first time you entered the beach. it was better. you looked over to kuina. her eyes were slightly opened, and mouth slightly parted. kuina seemed to have embrace the silent moment as well. she seemed to be relaxed, and she was so pretty.

kuina says, " well, i'm going to head back upstairs. it was really nice meeting you. i hope we can hangout like this more. " she smiles as she gets up to leave.

" oh, well goodnight. " you say looking at her.

" goodnight, " she says.

you didn't know the girl well, but you too did wanted to spend more time with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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