⇢ ˗ˏˋ Three ࿐ྂ

506 15 14

Emma's POV

It's been a month ever since we started training but now it was time to go. We need to find William Minerva's base soon because we can't stay with Sonju, Mujika and Y/n for too long.

I won't lie, I have gotten attached to Y/n over the time I have spent training with them. They've been supportive about our progress and encouraged us when we fall down. They taught us many things that we didn't know while also reminding us of some things that Mom taught us before but never understood. They don't let us give up when we want to, they force us to keep going and do the best they can to teach us how to survive.

We are following Sonju, Mujika, and Y/n when Ray bumps into me. Making me look at him with a look asking what he wants.

"Give me the pen. I want to make sure we're going in the right direction." He demands. I give him the pen and watch as he opens it and looks at our coordinates.

"We're getting closer, but we're still in the forest." I notice whilst looking at the map.

"Yeah, but that's still progress." Ray counters, eventually we stop at a wide empty waste land.

"This is as far as we can go," Mujika smiles at us. "I'm afraid we'll have to leave you guys to be by yourself." Most of the kids begin to cry and beg Sonju, Mujika and Y/n to stay with us, making Ray step in before things get worse.

"Leave them be. They have their lives to live. Besides, you want to be strong and impress them, don't you?" He asks them. This makes them stop crying and nod profusely at his statement. We wave goodbye when suddenly Mujika calls out to me, bringing Y/n with her.

"Emma, wait, I want to give you this." She says, taking off her necklace. It's a golden eye with a calm blue iris.

"Wait what for? I can't take this I-" Before I can refuse she puts it in my hand, pushing it to my chest.

"I want you to have something you can remember me by, it shall also help you along your journey."

"Ok, well why did you bring Y/n here?" I notice Y/n sweatdrop a little and shuffle their feet, kicking up dust.

"Ah yes, Y/n and I were thinking that they could accompany you on your journey." Mujika suggests.

"Yes, yes, yes! Please can they come with us!?" I plead, turning to Ray.

"What?! Emma you can't be serious! We can't just take them-!" He shouts, lightly hitting my head.

"I don't mind actually, it's fine. Believe it or not I have grown sort of attached to you guys." Y/n admits, seemingly embarrassed by this.

"Aww, I'm glad because I have too!" I giggle. Ray sighs.

"Fine, they can come with us." Ray grumbles. Both Y/n and I smile at him and he just narrows his eyes in response to us.

Everyone was happy when they found out Y/n was joining us and continued on walking to the path where William Minerva's base should be. Yvette and Jemima are holding Y/n's hands as we continue walking through the plain as the sun starts to set.

"Oh my gosh! We forgot to pack some anemones!!!" Lannion yells, making everyone panic.

"What do you mean we forgot!?" Don shouts back in response to him. Everyone starts yelling, panicking on what we would do without it.

"Everyone calm down!" Y/n and Ray exclaim at the same time.

"What do you mean 'calm down'?! We can't survive without water!" Gilda yells.

"The base you're- we're heading to should have running water. Also, I have anemones in my bag, and Ray does too." Ray nods for confirmation.

"However... if worse comes to worst I have another idea," Y/n states, making us confused on what they meant. "Let's continue on."

Y/n's POV

After a few more minutes of walking, Emma reveals for us to finally have reached the coordinates of the base.

"But... there's nothing here!" Thoma exclaims.

"That can't be right, we went through a lot and we arrived only to a wasteland?" Don mumbles in confusion. Some of the younger kids start screaming and shouting, causing me to cover my ears along with Don, leaving Gilda to try and comfort them.

A couple minutes later they finally exhaust themselves.

"Are you guys done now?" Ray asks them. They nod their heads and he sighs. He goes on to explain how he can't just sit and wait for people to show, especially in a world like this. They bring out the pen and enter some code thing, I don't know, I zoned out for most of it. Gilda tugs on my sleeve, leading me to the entrance of the base.

"Ladies first." I tell Emma after Ray opened the hatch.

"How about you go first so you can defend us if something tries to attack us?" She suggests with a nervous chuckle. I hum in agreement and climb down the ladder. Reaching the bottom, I pull out a lantern. The light illuminates the hallway and I can't help but notice how musty it smells. I go forward as all the others follow behind me. The hallway is long, doors on either side of it.

"Guys, I heard someone behind that door!" Jemima tugs Emma and I over to where she heard the noise coming from. Emma and I look between each other, arguing through our expressions whether or not we should knock on the door. Emma takes a deep breath and brings her hand up to the door, knocking two times on it.

No response.

She glances at me and I nod. She grabs the handle of the door, twisting it and pushing it open.

"Hi there." 

➳ 𝐄𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 - 𝐓𝐏𝐍 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now