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Dear Holder,

Wind. In the world that most call home, it is simply atmospheric pressure that brings the familiar sensation that one would feel usually every day.

It can be pleasant, on a hot summers day and cool down those who are in it's path. Other times, it brings destruction. tearing down whatever is in it's path.

Out in the real world, there is always wind. It roars through with an almost deafening effect, creating this machine-like deep, metallic hum that sears through your head like a hot iron.

The wind itself carries black dust, and rust from the decayed bodies of the machines that fight the endless war. That is what you become after the nine lives, machines

The bodies themselves look like a mixture between a robotic ape and a wolf, with spider-like legs that carry it with great force and speed. Almost enough to destroy what they created.


Your parents always told you they weren't real, but they are. You create them in your mind and they live in a separate dimension, one that belongs to every soul in existence.

They live there, multiply as our minds grow and fester with the deadly infection of our corruption. You live our final life, even more of them will be created, and then we pass out of our bodies and into a charging station. An egg shaped pod with two halves - one for the mechanic part, and the other for the flesh - awakens you form your repairs and then you are greeted by a woman.

Her very essence is light and warmth, and she whispers to you "do not fear death" and then you are ejected into the war zone to fight the monsters you have created.

All that is created in your mind here, goes to the separate dimension set aside for the individuality of the human mind, but all that is made outside of your mind, is all an illusion created by a hologram.

The trees you see, the mountains, and everything that is not man made is real but all of man-kind is a simple lie. There are two different layer of existing time, and space itself that are set over one another over the Earth.

One is the hologram that you see very day, and the other is the dimension for the creatures made by the corruption. The way that these layers are set so they are in the exact same place as the other, is the same way that two cloths could be woven together to make one entire cloth.

There is one other layer that is set over the universe, and the middle of the planet we are chosen to be on. This is the reality, or war zone.

The hologram, one of the two intertwined layers over the Earth os controlled by the main power port.

This is the same port in which the five members of the Council sit. Watching over every little thing that happens both in reality and the hologram. They control the illusion that we live every day, but they take orders form a higher rank.

This being is best described as the God of this reality, but with a noticeable difference. What ever it is has been seen by nobody, and instead of doing favors, or helping those in need, it simply goes by the natural process of time. To put it in a more comprehendible term, this divine being is essentially fate, in the figurative flesh.

You are a soul that is ultimately timeless. A good place to start explaining would be at the beginning of the cycle of nine lives. The comparison between the first, fifth, and the ninth life is life the comparison between a homeless man admiring your face, touching it, then licking it.

It goes in order of good to bad as the disease of corruption takes over the mind. As the soul progresses through the nine stages, flashes of memory form the past lives are increasingly common, and naturally they become tragic too.

Once the final life has been used, you are sent to the charging stations and begin the short and inevitably terrifying awakening into reality.

This will happen to all of you eventually, just thought you could use a heads up.

With Love,

From Sender.

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