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That night was the first.
Before that the images were just in my head, not clearly visible but I could still see them in my mind.
I had woken up at 3:14 am and my lights were still on. I just looked up at the ceiling for a minute or two trying to remember when I had fallen asleep and why I hadn't taken mercy on my electric bill.
Eventually I gave up and hauled myself out of bed to turn off the lights. I flicked the switch and stumbled back to my bed, slipping off my pants in the process and let gravity have at me and fell onto my bed, exhaling the air from my lungs as my back came into contact with the firm mattress.
As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw something that captured my attention. There was something above me swirling around in the darkness just a foot away from my face at the least. I could feel it hovering there like one can feel someone's hand by their face if they are blindfolded.
On the farther side of my ceiling there was a beam of green light from a fire detector that was being interrupted by that black swirling mass that closely resembled the smoke-like appearance of food color when you put a drop in water.
The only thing that differed from it was the way that it didn't seem to go anywhere. Like smoke that just stayed in a strangely shaped glass jar of some sorts but never blended together.
It moved and swirled but only within boundaries like a living thing.
I was entranced.
The first time I had ever seen anything without just imagining it was there in my sight. I smiled and just stared up at it with amazement.
I wanted to turn on the light by my bed but I was afraid it would go away and I wanted to savor this moment as it was my first actual sight of what was inside my head.
The one thing that confused me about the whole thing was that I had never been visited by this creature before. It wasn't Wire, the rare, one in three of the entire universe shape shifting Ex Missbreed. I couldn't tell what it was. It didn't feel like a friend or an enemy, but more like an ally.
Somebody who would help me with only something in return but would not be in my favor if I were to mess up in any way. I almost felt a little scared by the apparition in front of me but it was only on the brink of slipping over the edge of my subconscious so I was relatively safe. Something told me to simply look away from the creature and go back to sleep so I turned my head and closed my eyes. I was tired after all but the creature was so captivating, like a dark lullaby singing me to sleep, letting me know that I was safe but only under it's strict terms and conditions. "Better read the fine print Human"

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