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stream superache by conan gray <<33

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stream superache by conan gray <<33

kind of a short chapter, my apologies!!!

((edited 2.19.23))

"You messed up dearie, You're going to have to get rid of that liability. Jokichi, honey, can you set the table?"

Ryoba chops some vegetables, the knife moving across the board at a rapid speed.

"She knows Taeko more than info-kun, I needed her help." Ayato states, helping his nervous father organize the cutlery.

"Info-kun? Hmm.. Oh! I didn't know Futaba-san had a son! Weren't you two friends when we went to school dear?" Ryoba giggles, the knife moving a little faster.

Jokichi trembles, but doesn't respond, the clinking of the spoons made room in the silence.


"Y-yes honey...We..we used to be friends." Ryoba gives another closed eye giggle, resuming her cooking.

"How sweet!" She gives Ayato a side eye. "You're lucky your 'friend' had a cover up for the murder of that boy in your class. Has anyone found the body yet?"

"No." Ayato replies.

"Have you taken out any of your rivals?" Ryoba stops chopping for a second.


Ryoba hums. "Mildly disappointed in you Aya...Oh well I suppose, you do have the entire semester after all-."

"-If.." Ayato notices the darkened expression on his mother's face, the knife making marks in the wood.

"If she doesn't fall for those pesky flies around her. The red strings of fate are useful tools, Ayato. Use them and free her."


Admittedly, you were anxious as hell once that whole fiasco has taken place. You were worried that the universe would take someone else from you. The universe has taken a lot from you, and you didn't know how much you had left to give.

So you kept a closer eye on everyone you cared about, and made sure not to be too careful when it came to Amao in the hospital. The killer could always come back.

So that leaves you here, visiting Amao again. He woke up two weeks ago, but had only been able to speak short sentences until now.

"I'm sorry...you were hurt protecting me (Y/n)." He says, a somber look in his teal eyes.

"Don't worry about it, it was my own impulsiveness that got me injured. Just heal up okay?" You smile, this interaction felt distinctively nostalgic. You cut the apples into small rabbits, akin to the ones Taeko cut for you.

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