xvii. glitter glue

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2k chapter lessgo!! thank you guys for all of the support thus far!! ur votes and comments are always appreciated!!!

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2k chapter lessgo!! thank you guys for all of the support thus far!! ur votes and comments are always appreciated!!!

((severely unedited 2.28.23))

"-Just because things have been hectic, doesn't mean I won't hold back with the tests! There's an upcoming one on Friday, and if you pass, it'll greatly improve your overall grades." Mido engaged with the class, an easy smile on his face.

"And in other news, the sports festival is coming up soon, so let's do our best!" A feeble chorus of 'boos' resound in the air, and Mido waves them off.

A test? In this economy? You'd be lucky if you manage to even accomplish living to Friday.

However, since the test was on the only subject Kizano declined to tutor you on (History), you had to find someone else to do the job.  Luckily, that person found you first.

"(Y/n)! Let's study together!" Taeko declares promptly. She approached your desk at the end of class, her hair donned with one of Hanako's hairclips.

"Oh! Um, sure!" You grin in relief. You met eyes with Nemesis, and he nodded before briskly walking to the classroom door.

"Um....wo.. would you mind if I joined you both?...I promise not to get in the way." Oko asks with bated breath.

An annoyed expression crosses Taeko's face, but she pushes it away before you regard her for confirmation.

"Yes, of course! I'll ask Osano if he wants to join as well!" Taeko's giggles sounded a little forced, but you don't think much of it.

This was the first time you hung out with Oko outside of school, and it honestly made your face a little hot.

You categorized it as just nerves, Oko is the first friend you've made outside of Taeko and Rui, it's only natural you're nervous.

"Come on (Y/n)! Let's get there before Osano so that we can rub it in his face!" She teasingly smiles, leading you out of the class by your shoulders. "Bye Oko!" Taeko states.

You take a glimpse back at the purple haired male, expecting to see that tell-tale blush, and heart shaped eyes.

But instead, his face was pale, as if he saw a ghost.


You tried to shake off that haunted expression, but you knew you were going to have to note it down as an odd occurrence in your notebook.

That's a concern for later (Y/n) though. Being as today was Tuesday, you decided to head to the roof to eat lunch with your friends.

Nemesis waited outside of the classroom for you, causing you to snicker.

You pull yourself out of Taeko's grasp, and redirect yourself to face her. "I'll meet you on the roof, okay?" Taeko hesitantly nods, leaving you both alone.

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