Chapter Two

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"Mar? Genuinely, why did you barge into my stream earlier?" Toby questioned, he was standing in the kitchen, his hand placed firmly on a glossy bench as he was playing with a deep blue clock that read 1:33 am. Marcus was exploring the fridge while picking at the pathetic selection of snacks.

"MARCUS!" Snapped Marcus with a huff, "I heard you repeatedly stutter awkwardly like the weird ass human embodiment of a pufferfish you are, and I saw chat screaming about Beeduo, I'm not quite the apathetic idiotic asshole everyone thinks I am and cogs turned in my head so I came in to save you."

"Save me how? Like how does literally just interrupting my stream save me?"

"I didn't actually think that far," admitted Marcus reluctantly, "but chat focused on me and calmed down so it worked didn't it."

"Yeah okay, anyways go to sleep it's nearly 2:00 am." Dismissed Toby as he stepped over to the fridge and slammed it shut, almost on Marcus's nose, lightly shoving Marcus to the stairs.

"Whatever, you stay up, that's totally fair, don't bother to thank me." Muttered Marcus just loud enough for Toby to hear him before evaporating into the fathoms dark shadows that engulfed the staircase.

"Yes yes, chatters it is actually quite early over here. Well I had a bit of insomnia so I barely slept and woke up pretty early!" Toby's voice boomed from the room next to Marcus.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T SLEEP DOESN'T MEAN I SHOULD BE DEPRIVED FROM SLEEP TOO!" Shrieked a half asleep Marcus while covering his head with a pillow and throwing his phone against the wall, making a thud loud enough to wake up all of the continent.

"Mar- Marcus, stop fucking shouting!" Toby yelled through the walls as Marcus sat up and was greeted good morning by his shrek homescreen, as he opened Toby's stream.




Marcus cracked a small smile at the chat messages before sprinting down the hallway to burst dramatically into Toby's room.

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP." Screeched Marcus at the top of his lungs.

"Oh, hello, Mar actually, Ranboo wants to talk to you." Tubbo said pleasantly as he absent mindedly handed Marcus his phone that had Ranboo calling. Marcus snatched the phone and quickly darted out of the room before clicking the vibrant green answer button.


"Hi, hi uhm, yeah I just wanted to say, like um sorry, for uh for yesterday when I asked what you meant by transitioning that was like uh not like very good of me I was just preoccupied and didn't think." Ranboo's voice chimed awkwardly.

"Oh uh yeah, that's fine I was just mock angry I wasn't actually that mad." Marcus mumbled, mirroring Ranboo's awkwardness. I never know how to react to apologies, it's so horrible, how the fuck do words fix actions anyway. I just hate apologies. I'm now obliged to forgive him because he fucking apologised, if I don't now I'M the bad person. Fucking apologies. Marcus let the call go for another few seconds before adding, "well, I'mma annoy Toby now so, bye!" Rushed Marcus as he clicked the 'end call' button before Ranboo could respond.

Marcus swung the door open and clung onto the back of Toby's chair, shaking the navy object lightly.

"Mar? Finished calling Ranboo?" Toby mumbled to Marcus, snatching his phone away from Marcus before he could even offer to give it back.

"Marcus. Why the fuck else would I give you the phone dumbass." Marcus snapped half heartedly as he played with his nails, desperately keeping them away from his mouth as they were already too short.

"Okayy I was just askingg." Sighed Toby as he drew on his words with a whine. Marcus paced behind Toby, his hands were vibrating and all he could smell was the dust flying off the carpet beneath him, the sleeves that clung to his wrist felt as if they were hanging too loose so he couldn't feel them but so tight that they were making him lose feeling in his hands. He began pulling and stretching the edges of his sleeves and could feel pounding in his head getting deafeningly loud, Marcus's hands were sweating so much he wondered how his skin hadn't been soaked off. He sighed and sank down next to Toby. Fucking Ranboo, this is his fault he stressed me out. Blaming someone would make him feel less guilty but it wouldn't fix anything further, calm down you aren't doing this on stream, this is just for attention anyway isn't it? I'm not sick enough to get panic attacks. Maybe I am actually having a panic attack. Maybe I'm just thinking that to convince myself because I'm narcissistic so everything can't be my fault. I'm just thinking that for attention a fucking self pity rant, or maybe- SHUT UP! Marcus's thoughts spun in a dizzying never ending carousel of fears and self pity. Mar fought to keep his breathing normal in hopes Toby would continue streaming unaware.

"Mar?" Toby tapped him on the shoulder, sending a fliching shiver down Marcus's spine.

"Yeah?" Mumbled Marcus shakily.

"Jesus Mar are you okay? You didn't correct me when I called you Mar!" Toby snorted with laughter as Marcus let out a half hearted chuckle.

"Are you playing with anyone?" Marcus asked after a pause of silence.

"I'm getting on with Tommy, Wilbur and Phil soon after I finish the intro." Toby informed his little brother

"Ah, okay." Marcus mumbled.


"I didn't know what to say." Added Marcus cautiously as he stared at his shaking hands, Toby only looked at him before continuing,

"You never not know what to say." Toby looked at Marcus suspiciously, Marcus glanced at him and quickly sidled out the door, slamming it behind him.

"I'M GONNA GO COOK FOOD DO 'YA WANT ANYTHING?" Yelled Marcus from outside the room. Make sure he's not sceptical.

Marcus didn't wait for an answer and dashed to the kitchen. He sunk down in front of the char encrusted oven with a choked sob. The smell of dishwasher detergent drifted through the room, it even drowned out the smell of the seeping citrus from freshly cut open lemons. Marcus gagged on his throat, it was overpowering, it filled his eyes and his head, he tasted it as if he had drunk a whole bottle. Marcus held his breath and tried to think about his shaky hands and not engage with the smell, his hands seemingly shook the ground as Marcus's eyes pricked with tears, all he could feel was his sleeves, they were too tight and too loose they were rubbing his arm hairs the wrong way.

I am not having a panic attack. I am not. I won't let myself, this is obviously just for attention.

Marcus shakily picked up his phone and clicked it on. The bright flash blinded him and the shrek that normally greeted him joyfully was unwelcome. He opened Toby's stream hesitantly as his hand trembled, clicking other parts of the screen accidentally before hitting the glowing icon of 'TubboLive'.

"Tommy? Hello? Wait I can barely hear you, gimme a sec." Toby's voice chimed in the background as Marcus began to scroll through chat.


'Is brobbo okay??'



Marcus wasn't sure how he felt about the chat messages. The light radiating from his phone was making his head pound and desaturating his mouth, Marcus's breath quickened as he slid his phone across the smooth tiles, the light fading with it.


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