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Love is a hard thing in life, but once you finally get the hang of it, you'll know what to do.

Neteyam's pov<3

I rode straight downward, with my heart beating out of my chest. Uncontrollable thoughts running through my head. I finally touch the bottom, and swam over to her. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her, her eyes didn't open. I looked around for the others but no one was in sight. Shit, I thought to myself trying to think what I could do. I wrapped my arm around her waist, and began to swim upward. It was getting harder and harder to breathe. I was close to the surface when I saw something in the corner of my eye. Sky people.

I finally reached the surface and swam over to a large rock. I gently placed y/n down, trying to catch my breath. I looked around for any sign of the sky people, with my hand on y/n's shoulder.

"Y/n. Y/n, please! Wake up! Please!" I shouted now seeing a boat making its way toward us. I shook her a couple more times, and put my ear to her chest to try and hear a heartbeat. It was beating. She's alive. I lifted my head up and tried to think of something to do. That's it. I quickly leaned down and began to give her mouth to mouth. Something my dad taught me if my siblings were ever drowning. I puffed into her mouth a couple of times before lifting my head back up.

Her eyelids fluttered and she began to take quick and large breaths. Tears threatened my eyes as I watched her get on he elbows, still catching her breath.

Y/n's pov<3

"Y/n!" I heard the boys raspy voice call out. I felt his arms wrap around me, as my chest heaved in and out. I finally realized what had happened. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck, and then quickly squeezed him.

"Neteyam." I said pulling away and placing both of my hands on his face. Just like that I pulled him in and kissed him, feeling him relax as he place his hands on the back of my neck. I pulled away, staring at him deeply in his eyes.

Suddenly, I heard gunshots firing. I watched as the bullets shot into the water around us. I looked back over to Neteyam worriedly.

"I want you to get out of here." He spoke sternly, giving me a demanding look. I shook my head, knowing I have to help my people.

"I need to fight. My family needs me." I replied, then got up on my feet, and diving into the water. I clicked my tongue, as Kuro swam underneath me, making me get on her back. I connected us quickly, and began to swim, dodging coral structures and rocks. Making my way up to shore to see anything, I could hear splashing around me. I look around nervously, watching my surroundings for anything that could hurt me. I swam up to surface and saw the large ship in front of me. I could see figures that looked to be tied to the railing. That's when I saw them. Tsireya, Lo'ak, and Tuk. They have been caught. I unconnected Kuro, and swim quickly to the bottom of the ship. Trying to find a way to get up, I saw as Lor flew down in the water. I grabbed a hold of the rope on her, connected us, and threw myself on her back. I tug, pulling up and making her wings flutter. I felt as she lifted up into the air, as I looked around to see any sky people. Damn it, I thought, remembering that I didn't have my spear. I tapped Lor's side and she shot straight into the water, I felt the water rush past my cheeks. I swam quickly over to another part of the water that I remember. I searched the bottom of the ocean, looking for my weapon. I caught a glimpse of something, and whipped my head around. Thank Eywa, I thought seeing my spear lying there. I guided Lor towards the bottom, and quickly swooped down and grabbed my spear. I tugged back up, now swimming up to shore speedily. The water splashed below me as Lor flew into the air. Air blew through my air as I made my way towards the ships deck. I began to stand up on my skimwing's back as we flew closer to the ship. I unconnected our nerves, and jumped off of her back, grabbing ahold of the ships rail. I swung myself over, and ran towards the captured Na'vi.

"Y/n!!" I heard Tuk yell, making the others look my way. I quickly knelt down and began to untie them. Trying to get the tight knots out, I began to hear men marching towards me. I felt their forceful arms pull me away from Tuk, and I began to squirm in their grasp.

"Let me go you pricks!" I hissed, baring my teeth at them. They pushed me down to the ground, one foot on my chest with a large gun to my head.

"If any of your friends try anything I'll blow your brains out." The man said. I saw how his foot was right beside my leg, creating an idea in my head. I swung my leg under his foot, and he fell backwards, pulling the trigger causing multiple bullets to shoot into the air. I felt a pain on my shoulder, and looked down at blood rushing from a bullet hole. I held my hand to the wound to keep pressure on it, and began to walk towards the others.

"Y/N!!" I heard that voice again, and I turned around to see Neteyam.

"Come on you skxawng. We've got to untie their ropes!" I yell back still making me way towards them. I saw some more men coming towards me, but this time they looked different. Not like sky people at all. They looked like, Na'vi? I picked up my spear off the ground and began to run towards them. They began firing as I threw my spear, as it impaled one of the blue men.

"Y/N, I've got this, go get the others." I felt Neteyam's hand on my shoulder pulling me back towards him. He quickly ran up to one of the guys and shot an arrow into his head.

I turned around and began running towards Tsireya. She smiled, as I kneeled down beside her.

"Hey sis, didn't expect me to save you huh?" I smile as I untie her rope. Her hands got free, and she hugged me tightly.

"I don't care loser, I'm just glad you're okay." She whispers, sort of laughing afterwards. "Well, mostly." She snorts pointing at the bullet hole in my shoulder. She then rips a piece of her lioncloth off and hands it to me. I wrap it around my shoulder as she unties Lo'ak and Tuk. I saw Neteyam running towards us trying to get us up quickly.

"We've got to go. There's more of them. A lot more." He says slightly panting. I get up, dragging Tuk along with me. We got to the edge of them ship and I look at Tuk.

"Remember those swimming lessons?" I ask looking back at the ocean.

"Duh, why?" Tuk asks looking at me now.

"Get ready to use 'em." I say and then squeezing her hand. I hold her close to me and I jump off the edge. Being followed by the others. I clicked my tongue for Kuro to come underneath me. I connect us and swam quickly towards my village. I have to get them home. Safely.


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