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Home is where the heart is. That's what they all say. But home, is within someone.

Up above I could the sounds of horns blowing, signaling for retreat. Still having a hold of Tuk, I swam swiftly up to the surface. I look towards the island to see a large group of na'vi, some injured, some not. I felt sand hit my feet as we got closer and closer, my eyes darting around the island searching for my mother and father. We finally got to shore and I jumped off of Kuro, then quickly picked Tuk up and put her down, unconnecting my nerves. I run onto the sand, weaving my way through harmed Na'vi, hearing their winces from pain.

"Father?? Mother?" I shout still looking around. I see my brother, tears falling from his eyes down his cheeks and neck. "Aonung!!" I yelled now running towards his direction. And that's when I saw him. My father. Shot. Blood running down his whole body. I kneeled down beside him, stroking the top of his head.

"Y/n, he'll be okay. I'm sure of it. Eywa will help us." My mother speaks creasing my cheek. Her eyes filled with sorrow and sadness, her lips quivering in fear. I hug her, water still dripping down my body. I don't know what is going to happen next, but I have to save my father.

Hours felt like days, waiting for any word of his health felt like forever. I haven't seen any of the Sully family except Tuk and Lo'ak. The sky was going dark, the moon creeping it's way towards the sun. I sat along the sand of the shore thinking. Just thinking. About my father, about him. The waves splash against my knees and run through my fingers. I hear something swimming, surging towards the shore. "Holy shit" I think to myself, seeing the Sully family. I stand up, running over to where they stopped, and watched as they all got off their Ilus. He wasn't there.

"Where's Neteyam??" I yell, running toward the family riding on the back of their ilus. I saw the look of pure terror in his father's eyes. As if he saw a ghost of a lost ancestor.

"He went to go find you.." I heard him quietly mumble, I freeze. I could hear a ringing in my ears as I space out toward the fiery distance.

"No.." *I whisper to myself, my heart begins to pound and I feel my legs go weak. I drop down to the ground, my knees hitting the sand and my hands on my face. I try to clear my mind and then I suddenly get up, calling my skimwing. I watch as she flies down towards me, thoughts still running through my head. I see the large ship begin to..sink. I quickly got onto Lor and connected us, immediately pulling up and making her fly. I flew as fast as I could and scanned the area. I saw the ship go lower and lower  and I began going faster and faster. I suddenly saw something, a tall figure. Neteyam.

"Neteyam!!" *I screamed, my voice raspy from the cool air. I finally got above the ship and speedily flew downwards. Lord landed on the ship and I unconnected us, quickly getting off of her back and grabbing my knife. I steadily, went around the corner, seeing a tall na'vi was a buzz cut push someone on the ground. It was a human?

"What the fuck.." I whisper to myself,  squinting my eyes, trying to examine the human boy. I feel a pair of hand pull me back and turn me around.

"Neteyam!!" I yell, swiftly wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tightly.

"Shh." He says, looking over my shoulder and watching the two people.

"Who is that human boy??" I ask pulling away and looking up at him. My eyes examining him for any wounds or injuries.

"Spider, he's with me." He says, looking down at me, placing his hands on my face and emailing at me. "I'm so glad you're okay.." he says softly, looking deeply into my eyes. "We have to get out of here.." he says looking around for a way out. He grabs my hand and pulls me toward an open piece of the railing. As soon as we reach the opening he stops and turns around.

"You're gonna have to trust me on this, please." He says placing his hands on my shoulders. I nod, looking over his shoulder. He grabs my hand once more and he jumps off the side, taking me with him. Something quickly catches us, knocking the wind out of me. I look down to see Neteyam's ikran. The wind rushes speedily past me, and I already see the island. I wrap my arms around Neteyam's waist and rest my head against his back. I feel the ikran land and I hear the sounds of people whispering. I quickly get off and looking around, seeing my mother, who doesn't look very happy. I watch as she angrily walks up to me and grabs my ear, tugging me away from Neteyam.

"Ow! Ma!" I yell, trying to slap her hand away from my ear. She begins to pull harder and pushes me down on the sand.

"What did I say about that Omatikayan boy!!" She yelled a sternly, het finger pointing in my face.

"Mother, I love him!!" I yell back, looking up at her with tears in my eyes. She slaps me, causing me to yelp in pain. Her eyes filled with feiry as she looks down at me. I watch her eyes soften and she looks at something above my head. I watch as her pupils dilate in her eyes. I feel something land on top of my head, like a leaf or a feather.

"What is that..? That is not from here.." my mother speaks softly, furrowing her eyebrows as she sticks her hand above my head. I watch her lower her hand something that looks like a sort of  seed. I watch the thing flutter around on her hand.

"That is a sign from Eywa." I hear a woman's voice speak. I turn to see Neytiri, I slowly look over to Neteyam. He has about a hundred of these things all over his body. Neytiri looks towards me and smiles.

"The Great Mother knows you are meant to be." she says, reaching her hand over to her son and picking up one of them. "These are woodsprites, they are very pure, sacred spirits." She explains, lifting it up into the air and watching it float. She looks at my mother and begins to walk towards her. "Their souls are connected." she says, placing a hand on her shoulder and smiles. My mother shakes her head, looking back at me and Neteyam.

"Nonsense!" she yells, pushing Neytiris hand off of her shoulder. She waves her hand over me shooing off the couple of woodsprites that landed on me along the way.

"Mother please.." I say softly, lowering my head and dropping my hands on my lap. I feel a strong pair of hands grip my shoulder. I look over to see Jake.

"Ronal, I know you don't want to believe it, but this is how me and Neytiri found eachother. Those woodsprites let us know that we needed to meet." He explains, squeezing my shoulder softly and smiling down at me. My mother looks around hesitantly, placing her hands on her stomach. She looks over to see my father, watching everything that was going on.

"Ronal..," father speaks slowly, his voice raspy and groggy. "Let them be.." he says, smiling over at me and then looking back at my mother. She turns back around and stares down at me. I can see the worry, and hesitance in her eyes.

"Fine." She says, looking down at the ground. "If that is what Eywa wants." She says nodding, looking back over to Neteyam, who was still covered in woodsprites. Neteyam quickly walks over to her and wraps his arms around her.

"Thank you.." he says softly, pulling away and smiling at her. She looks him up and down then looks over at me, slightly smiling. "I accept it." She says, nodding at me. I smile, getting up and running toward Neteyam, wrapping my arms around him, as he picks me up and twirls me around. He puts me down and I place my hands on his face.

"I love you.."

1422 words

THE END!!! I haven't been on in a while and I would like to thank everyone for being so patient and supportive!! I feel so lucky for my first story to go so well!! You guys helped me through it all and I am so grateful! Thank you so so much again!


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