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y/n POV.

Guilty. That was the only word I could think of and I don't even know if it's the correct word to use. I think I feel guilty because there's not a whole lot I can do about the situation, except be there for Jenna to help her process it. It's not fair that she has to be expected to explain the actions of an intimate and private moment that we had.. to everyone else as if she owes them. I also don't believe that she should have options between coming out or twisting the story? What kind of fucked up shit was that. I mean I certainly wasn't going to sit there and say that I supported the fact that she had to come out tomorrow, no. Never in a million years. So I went with the only other option I felt as if I had and that was to come up with the idea that she could say we were.. practicing lines. Personally I dont want either to happen, and she has the whole day to think about it. i'm worried about her, I hate that I had to leave her at my house whilst I had to go to work, as this was going on. Which is exactly where I am right now. Stuck in traffic, literally around the corner from Monroe, dreading what awaits me. Getting through it though, I parked my car, gathered my laptop and my camera, and headed inside the building.

"afternoon y/n, you can head straight up to Leigh's office, she's waiting for you" Sarah the receptionist told me. I thanked her and made my way to the room I dreaded. I mean usually Leigh and I are chill but I have no idea what's about to happen and how it's going to affect my job. I knocked 3 times and heard her tell me to come in, so I obliged. Closing the door behind me as I entered my office i'm met with one unhappy looking boss. If she would just hear me out instead of jumping to conclusions.. that would be great. "come and sit, let's go over your report, and then we can get into the other stuff." yikes, is it really that bad? is it such a big deal and scandal? Handing her my laptop and camera I sat there as she went over everything and added notes to her report for me.

"okay so.." my hands were sweaty. I felt so nervous, so I crossed my legs over and sat up straight with my palms in the centre of my lap being as attentive as I could. "this work is fantastic. the chemistry you have with the entire cast is amazing, they look comfortable, they're giving you great answers and i'm really proud of you for that." what a relief. but she's not done I can feel it. "what i'm not too happy about is this little scandal you got yourself into. I view it one of two ways. The first way.. people know your name, they link you to the company, we get publicity. The second way is that people may view it as a bad thing, you made the actors feel it was more personal over business thus ending in a close relationship with Jenna which has ultimately been exposed and the company may get a bad rep for that." I thought she was going to be way harsher than that, I guess I should give her credit, Leigh has always been good to me.

"I promise, there was no bad intention behind it. I wasn't even prepared for this weekend to be happening, so for ALLLL of this to have come from it has been insane. and I promise that whilst I was on the clock and I was doing my job that it was business only." okay that may have been a small white lie but what she doesn't know won't kill her. "I stayed at the hotel for the weekend because I thought it was going to make things easier, and it did. it made it so much easier. Jenna and I were staying on the same floor and we just got to talking after that first interview and we wanted to get to know each other more.. it kind of just happened." she's listening intently, but I cant read her yet. "then, the next day was the one on one interview, and I had to get dirt on Wednesday, that was the entire point of the weekend but I also wanted to do something different, with that came the 20 questions idea. I know her fan base is going to grow immensely and I thought it would be a really popular video for her fans to want to get to know her better also"

"I like that we can be straight with each other. You don't bullshit me, and I don't bullshit you. I gave you this opportunity because I knew you would be able to handle it. some things are out of our control and i'm glad that you handled it when you weren't on the clock. you did get some really amazing content for us, and I don't want the 'scandal' to take that away or overshadow your hard work. what you do with Jenna is not my business, and at the end of the day, publicity is publicity, good or bad. but if you're given any future assignments with her, you have to promise me it's going to be professional"

"you have my word Leigh. I do take this job serious and id never intentionally do something bad for the company." which is true, this shit pays the bills so I cant afford to lose this job.

"all the videos will be up later, i'll send your check tonight, thank you for doing it on such short notice. now go home, I have nothing else for you" she gave me my laptop and camera back, and I gave her a reassuring nod in return and without further question I was out the door. I wanted to get home to Jenna and I wanted to show her around the city.. if we were still going to do that.

The Right Timing - Jenna Ortega X Female reader Where stories live. Discover now