1. Jesse's necklace

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I lay, in my room, fiddling with the necklace jesse had gifted me a few years back. Wondering how much longer I'd go before it broke. I hoped never.

My door creeks open, my little brother stepping inside.

"Still missing jesse? He's gonna be back in a week!" He sighed, placing himslef at the end of the bed.

"I know" I grunted, throwing myself back on my pillows "it just seems like forever since I've seen him"

Matt pulled me in for a hug, comforting me as we sat in silence.

It was my last year of high-school, then college. If I ever graduated to get into college.

My brother, Matthew was 15, me 17 and my older sister becky 20.

Becky was the only one in the family who had escaped so far, oh how me and matt couldn't wait to leave this home.

She would let me and matt stay at hers whenever we wanted, as long as we let her know a day or two in advance. Because she knew what is was like, to live with them. Our parents.

And most of all she adored jesse, that's all that mattered to me. She didn't roll her eyes when he walked through the door. She had conversations with him. She hugged him goodbye whenever he left. Etc.

Not like my parents, who just ignored jesse existed. Rolled their eyes at him, pretended they couldn't hear him speak, wouldn't even say bye when he left.

Speak of the devil, my phone buzzes. I let go of matt and pick up the phone.

"Hey jesse! How's the family vacay going?" I smiled as my stomach warmed.

"Yo lily, so far so good. How you doing though? Any more shit from the family?" He asked, genuine concern in his voice.

I look over at matt, and gesture for him to leave. I earn an eye roll in return and a slammed door.

"No slamming doors!" My mom shouts from the living room "We've talked about this lily!"

There we go again, allways the one to blame.

"Had to jinx it didn't ya dipshit!" I laugh down the phone, I feel safe when I hear his laugh back. Like he was here with me.

"Yeah they've kind of left it now, just glad they didn't find my crystal too, I would've been sent packing!" I whisper, trying not to bait myself out.

"Ay, you know you can allways crash at mine if you need" I could feel his smile through the phone.

"God I hate you pinkman" I sigh, rubbing my head.

"Wow, I love you too yo" He laughed, his hands tapping the counter in the background.

"I miss you, come home please" I groaned at him, though it wasn't his fault.

I continued fiddling with his necklace, trying to forget how he wasn't here by my side for a whole other week.

"You know I wish I could lil, one more week, that's all"

I smile and sulk at the fact I'll be seeing jesse in a week, but I had to wait a whole 7 days.


"Fuck off matt!" I groan and push him out my way.

I was seeing jesse tommorow, something I couldn't wait for. So tonight I was getting high as fuck with badger and sleeping through until I hear my dad shout :

"Your dick of a friend is here!"

And jesse bursts in my room engulfing me in a fat bear hug.

Matt was being an annoying little shit for some reason, mom and dad were out shopping and he wouldn't fucking stop pissing me off.

"I swear if you don't shut up clicking your tounge, I'll Bury you" I smile at him as I poor my cheerios.

"Whatever you say"


This kid man.


Fuck me.


"Shut up!" I get up and storm off to my room "Bitch!" I add before slamming my door.

Nothing annoys me more then my little brother clinking his spoon on his bowl like a little prick.

Badger better be free right this minute or I think I might actually go insane.

Just as I go to ring badger, jesses name pops us, paired with my ringtone.

"Yo, what up?" I sigh slipping my fingers through my hair.

"Hey! How's shit going?" He asked, I could tell he'd not long woke up, his voice was all crackly and grumbly.

"Shits going shit jesse!" I moan, falling back on my bed. I was being over dramatic, like allways.

"Ah come on, I'll be there to give you a hug tommorow yo" He snickered at my misery.

"Stop laughing dickhead! Matts being really annoying" I grunt, playing with my necklace.

He laughs again, I break out a smile and laugh with him. It brings me some comfort and we chat for a while until jesse has to leave to pack his bags.

"Bye lil, I'll see you soon"

"See ya jesse" I smile, knowing I'll see him tommorow.

"Gosh your so in love with him!" My brother smirks, sitting by my door.

How the fuck did he sneak in here? I hadn't heard him come in at all.

"Oh my god, matt!" I throw my phoen at him as he bursts out laughing.

"I'm just saying, you should've realised it by now" He shrugged and sat there with the smuggest look ever plastered on his face.

I open the door, dragging him up by his ear, listening to him squeal. He begs and pleads to stay in my room, so of course I throw him out.

He was such a dick, a nice dick though. And he was My brother so I had to love him . I loved him anyway, sometimes.

I got dressed, a baggy red and black hoodie of jessies. He'd left me it, well actually I stole it out his bag before he left but whatever. Same thing.

Dark blue jeans and a grey t shirt. A pair of my brothers shoes, a blessing we are the same size.

Of course paired with jesses necklace, I don't think I had taken it off since the day he gave it me. I loved it too much, or maybe matt was right. Maybe it was jesse that I loved.

A/n: so I know this is a really boring chapter but I just wanted to get into the gist of writing and feel the mood of the story. Hope you like it any feedback in the comments would be great!

Since we were kids - jesse pinkmanWhere stories live. Discover now