2. Pussy.

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I blew out the smoke, all my problems going with it, floating away into the night along with badgers.

We sat in silence for a while, finishing off our weed, letting more and more stress release with every hit.

Until I was calm enough to talk about jesse, should I tell badger my realisation I'd had about jesse? Would he tell jesse?

I took another drag, those questions being blurred instantly.

"Hey badger?" I ask putting my head on his shoulder.

"Whats up lil?"

I sigh, throwing away the roach.

"Do you think I like jesse? Like yknow, like like him?" I wonder and stare at badger as his grin grows wider.

"You finally fucking realised! And don't worry I won't tell jesse, I've been keeping it from him for years. Now it's Just jesses turn to realise it too" He laughed, grabbing my hand to hold himslef up.

"Realise it too? What, you mean you think he likes me back?" I sit up, my curiosity growing.

Badger just smiles and takes a hit of his joint.

"No comment"

He didn't have to make a comment, that grin told me absolutely everything I needed to know. Badger was shit at lying. He'd never say the truth, but you could read his face like a book.

This meant, if jesse had ever spoke with Badger about this, that jesse knew I loved him. And he knew before I did.


"Your dick of a friend is here!" My dad shouts and groans from the living room.

"Appreciate it" I hear jesse grunt back at him.

I smile and listen as his steps get closer and closer to my door. I wouldn't get up, I had the fattest hangover ever. And to make things better, we were back to school tommorow.

My door slowly opens, he allways remembered how creaky it was and was careful not to wake me.

"Hey!" He smiled jumping on my bed, wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey dickhead" I turn over to face him, our noses just an inch from each other.

We just lay there, together for a few solid minutes, catching up. Talking about anything new we'd found out.

"Yo there's a party tonight, at skinny Petes. We should totally go! It'd b- wait that's my jumper bitch!" He pointed out what was so obvious, so I just laugh at him.

"Sorry, I needed something to remind me of you while you were gone. And yeah I could use a good sesh" I reply, closing my eyes, wanting to sleep forever.

"Ay so you moan for 2 weeks straight that I'm away and as soon as I'm here you sleep?" He asks, pulling my eyelids open while laughing.

"Ugh shut up!" I smile and get out of bed, well I try to anyway, jesse still holding my hand pulling me back down.

"I need some food dipshit, I'll be back in a minute" I smile, he groans and let's go eventually.

I change into some shorts a little more comfy than my jeans and head into the kitchen.

"Ooo you got changed in front of jesse!" Matt teases me, forgetting mom and dad are here.

I pinch him and we laugh together as I grab the cereal box and milk.

"Really? I mean your really getting it on with that sleasbag?" My mother comments on the situation, of course.

"Love you too, mom" I sigh. Giving the look to matt. He nods and heads to his room.

"Don't you do that, make me feel like a bad mother!"  She shouts.

"I'm not doing anything ma, maybe just maybe your a bad, bitch of a mother anyway. I just changed into shorts and you assume I've done shit with him?" I begin to tear up, a lump growing in my throat.

I start making my way to my room, wiping the tears off my cheeks.

"Honestly that kid" I hear her whisper to my dad, who just stood there, listening. Not defending me or even asking if I'm okay. Just watching, like it was some sort of show.

I shove my door open, finding the nearest, biggest bag I could find, shoving any essentials inside. Grabbing my phone, weed and crystal.

"Yo, slow down, calm down" jesse smiles a smile of sympathy. We both could relate in situations like these.

He helps me pack, in silence. Wed talk once I was out of here.

Matts slips in, his cheeks stained red, eyes puffy. Engulfing me In a little brother bear hug.

"I'm sorry" He whispers in my ear.

"Never, ever say that word to me again" I tell him, why should he be sorry, he did nothing wrong.


"Hey Mrs pinkman, thanks for um letting me crash here " I smile and she shoots one back along with an arm rub.

"Anytime sweetheart"

Jesse takes me upstairs, making me feel at home. He even gave me a quarter of his wardrobe, I allready had a side of the bed at Jesse's House but he still asked. Just in case I'd changed my mind.

"Uh, you still up for the party?" He asks, cautiously.

"Fuck yeah, if anything I'm more up for it than I was before" I snicker and throw myself on jesses bed.

"Listen yo" jesse sits beside me, throwing his arm around my shoulders.

There it is again, that fuzzy feeling I'd never really gotten until today.

"If you want me to sleep on the sofa I understand. I know you have no issue sharing a bed, but if you need some space tonight, just shout" He smiled softly, me leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I love you pinkman"

"I love you too, Mason" He smiled and planted a kiss on my forehead.

A kiss?

I look up at him, and he's looking down at me. I smile.

Since we were kids - jesse pinkmanWhere stories live. Discover now