3. Oh yeah?

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We were on our way to the party, just chatting about random shit. I couldn't wait to get in there and just forget about everything that happened today.

Except for the fact jesse kissed me. It was only a little peck, not even on the lips but still, I couldn't get it out of my head.

"Yo, earth to lily yo!" Jesse smirks, waving a hand infront of my face.

"What is your fucking head hollow or something?" He asks laughing.

"Yeah, says the dude failing chem class" I get him back, though we both knew I was failing chemistry class too. Infact Mr White needed to speak to me and jesse tommorow after class.

Wich I was cool with, means I miss some of math. And it'll make it easier for me and jesse to skive off afterwards, no teachers lurking round the halls waiting for their class.

We pull up outside skinny petes house, so I burn up and so does jesse.

"We've got some catching up to do, everyone else has been drinking for an hour maybe two" He tells me, smirking. Knowing full well we'd catch up in 30 minutes off shots alone.

"No skin off my nose" I smile, knowing I was about to have a shit hot night.

"You ready?" He asks, hand on the door handle, taking a last hit of his weed before getting out.

"Born ready"

We head inside, jesse still knocking before entering though it was useless, no way anyone would hear us.

I step in, taking in that strong smell I loved so much, a party smell. A mixture of weed, scante, cigs and alcohol. My favourite combination.

Jesse slung his arm round my shoulders to keep me close, it was pretty packed.

"Pinkman! Hey yo, you brought lily! I fucking love lily" Jack (a guy from our class) slurred, not even standing properly.

"Yeah whatever man" jesse laughed and patted him on the back as we headed to the kitchen in search of pete.

I couldn't help but snicker too, though I hoped that's what I'd be like in an hours time. Absolutely clueless, nothing on the brain.

"Yo skinny Pete!" We grab hands and bump shoulders, he passed me my first two shots of the night.

Me and jesse go at the same time, slamming them back quicker than you can say bitch.

"I'm glad you came lily, I think you needed this. You seemed really fucking down the last week or two" Pete smiled and rubbed my arm.

I roll my eyes, and of course jesses face is plastered with the smuggest look ever.

We're both hammered at this point, though we'd only been here an hour.

"So you uh, you missed me that bad huh ?" He smiled, dragging me onto petes makeshift dance floor.

"Shut up, pinkman" I place my finger on his lip and just the way he's looking at me now floods my stomach with butterflies.

I feel my face burning up as he stares at me, at my lips. In truth, I couldn't not look at his either.

"Oh yeah?" He smiled, his teeth glistening in the glow of the party lights.

Then we both leaned in, our lips fitting into place with eachothers. An energy bouncing between us as we kissed. Like it was meant it be. I was filled with a feeling of warmth and shakiness as we pulled away.

"Umh, Wow" My hand is on his chest and I'm lost for words as his hands make their way towards my waist.

"I missed you too, more than you could know" He told me, leaning his chin on my head.

We stayed silent for a while, just enjoying eachothers company.

Though my mind was racing at a thousand miles per hour with questions about this whole situation.

I needed to calm down.

"You wanna smoke a bowl?" I ask, still leaning against him "I brought some crystal"

"Yeah, front steps?" He asks, lifting my chin up so I'm looking at him.

I nod and he slips his hand into mine as we make our way to the front door. I smile up at him as we go.

A/n: I'm aware a very short chapter! Sorry, also for the description of the kiss omg I can't do it I'm really sorry you had to read that xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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