Take a Break

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A/N: hey! This is my first story if Eddie X reader! I just started out so if there are any mistakes pls don't throw hate :) now what are you waiting for?! Jump in!

For the many years you had known Eddie, he was a hard working, funny, smart man. He always knew how to make you smile and laugh when you were sad and he was always there for you. Though there is one thing that is bad about him. He works way to hard. Especially when it comes to a script. Like now, he is in your shared room working to damn hard. and probably hasn't had a good meal and hardly any rest. He only ever did this when he was working intently with a script. And frankly, it was very worrying. You cared for Eddie and his health so it was only right to go and check on him. When you got to the door you could hear him reciting a line and then immediately stopping, then barley you could hear a small

"Fuck." You sigh out as you open the door. Immediately you see Eddie pacing across the room reciting the same line.

Just as you were about to say something he sighs out loud and rubs his hand over his face. He then looks at you.

"Hi." He says as he opens his script and begins to look at it again.

"Eddie I think you need to take a break, what do you say?" you say as you smile at him. He looks at your for a few second then shakes his head.

"No. No I have to memorize these line or I wont be able to do this part properly. I have to do this I'm sorry." Looking right back at his script yet again. You look around the room. Trying to think up a plan on how to get him to take a break.

Then one hit you, though Eddie would hate this, but it was for his own good. You walk over to him and grab the script out of his hands. Immediately he is on you, trying to grab the papers. You tried to get him to stop, then at one point you made it to the point where you back was to him. He was grabbing your arm and pulling this way and that way. He would not give up on trying o get this script and neither would you stop at keeping from him.

"Y/n please! I need to get these lines down. I really have to do this-" Just then You had found a moment to lean in and press your lips right onto his.

He stopped immediately when you did. He closed his eyes and his shoulders fell limp. The hand that was on your arm came up to your cheek. You threw the script onto the table and continued to kiss him. He sighs against your lips and you chuckle when you pull away. He whines in protest

"I will give you more of that if you come into the other room and eat something and spend some time relaxing. You literally have two weeks till you leave to film and I would like spend as much time with you before you leave." He looks down and nods slowly

"Ok, I will come in there right now, for you."

"Thank you.." You say as you grab his hand and begin to lead him into the living room.

A movie was already playing on the TV that you had forgotten about when you went to check on Eddie. You walk around the couch and have him sit down.

"What kind of drink?"

"Just a water please." You nod and walk into the kitchen, getting him a glass of water you walk back and set it on the coffee table.

You lay your head on his shoulder and wraps his arm around you. You had thought he was watching the movie until you heard slight snoring. You look up and see him fast asleep. You smile and shake your head. Knowing he wont wake up anytime soon. You leans your head back and continue to watch the movie. These were the moment you loved most.

ANNNNNNND WERE DONE! What did you think? Was it okay? I hope it was! Anyways, you can always request any sort of ideas to me!!!

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