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I went through the morning in a flash, keeping myself busy with classes and assignments. By focusing on my studies, I was able to take my mind off the sleepover that had been bothering me earlier. I felt much better now and the anxiousness and worry that I felt on the bus ride was gone.

As lunchtime officially arrived, I rushed to the cafeteria to grab a tray and find a seat for Devin and me. Finding a seat could be a challenge, as people tend to sit wherever they please, even if a seat has been reserved. Despite the challenges, I always managed to find a spot I could count on in a pinch, although Devin isn't a fan.

I settled in at my seat and waited for Devin to arrive. We have a tradition of not eating until we're both present, just like I do at home with my parents. Eventually, I spotted Devin and excitedly waved my arms and shouted to get his attention. The lunchroom crowd always looks at me funny and gets a little quieter when I do that. My face usually burns with embarrassment after.

Devin quickly made his way over to me and flashed his signature grin. "What's up, bro?" he asked.

"I saved you a seat," I replied, pointing to the empty chair beside him.

Devin raised his eyebrows and playfully scolded me, "I noticed. Do you think you could yell a little louder next time?"

I giggled, "I don't know if I can without breaking my voice. That's why I wave my arms too, so you can see me."

We both laughed, happy to be in each other's company. Everything was better when we were together.

Devin glanced at his food, less than impressed. "Why did you choose here?"

"It wasn't my first choice," I explained. "I tried to get better seats, but someone took it when I mentioned I saved yours."

"So, we're in the outcast corner with all the nerds," Devin teased.

I felt a little embarrassed and offended, "So, nerds are good people," trying to defend the honor of all nerds.

"Says another nerd," Devin smirked.

"Fine, want to move?"

Devin shook his head and smiled, "No, I'm just teasing you. Besides, I need all the time I can get to shovel this crap down my throat without puking."

"It's not that bad. It's burger day!" I was trying to sound upbeat and encouraging.

"It's not that good either," as he makes a sad, yet disgusted face. "Look how limp and soggy the fries are, dude."

"Just put ketchup on them, duh." My solution to all things food related.

"There's not enough ketchup in the world to save these."

"And you say I'm weird," as I eat a bite of my cheeseburger.

"You are," he says jokingly as he looks at me with his famous smirk.

"So are you," I managed to say with a mouth full of food as I threw a fry at him.

"Anyway," he said changing the subject. "I talked to Sara for a minute between classes and she told me only a few people are going to the sleepover."

"Good," I mumbled through the fries in my mouth. "I'd freak out if a bunch were there."

"You'd freak out no matter who was there," Devin smirked again while looking at me, testing my reaction.

I thought for a moment and finally replied, "Maybe, but not much. I mean, as long as you're there I'd be okay."

"Aww! Isn't that sweet!" Devin said, loudly enough for the whole universe to hear.

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