Callisto's Birthday Banquet, Part 1

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"Announcing the illustrious members of the Eckhart family!"

After the servant's shout which announced the Eckharts' arrival, the huge door of the banquet hall slowly opened. Penelope walked in with her father escorting her and Reynold at her side.

They were the only ones who came to the Crown Prince's birthday banquet. The two other members of the family stayed at home. Yvonne didn't have enough social etiquette training to attend royal public events, so she wasn't permitted to come. On the contrary, Derrick had willingly opted to stay. He claimed it was due to work, but they all knew that was a lie; he just didn't want to be away from his darling sister, Yvonne. Her brainwashing was working wonderfully.

Not that I mind, she thought to herself. He never interacts with me at public engagements anyhow. As an added bonus, he's mostly avoided me since Yvonne returned. I'd consider that a win.

At the banquet presently, there was already a large number of nobles gathered in the hall. She tried to ignore the piercing gazes that followed her and her family's movements. As they settled themselves in to their assigned table and seats, Penelope reveled at how the Crown Prince's birthday banquet was truly a spectacle to behold. Beautiful music played, dancers performed difficult eye-catching choreography, and delicious food was served.

She immediately made her way to the table of food since she was positively starving. She read the nameplates for the dishes and saw that were many exotic foods she had never tasted before from countries all around the world. She brought a plate piled high with food back to the table and made sure to savor it thoroughly.

The Duke chuckled. "I see you're enjoying the food. You are quite the foodie."

Penelope placed her hand in front of her hand as she chewed. She swallowed before replying, "I apologize if I was being too ill-mannered. I was absolutely starving when we arrived."

Reynold rolled his eyes. "That's because you didn't eat lunch. You probably didn't even at breakfast either, did you?"

The pink-haired woman cast her gaze away. She hadn't had much of an appetite ever since Eckles betrayed her and she poisoned herself. She was glad she survived the poison attempt due to Callisto's quick thinking, but she was frustrated that she was unable to return home. She hated living here. She just wanted to leave this hell!

The Duke noticed her reaction and scolded Reynold. "Be nicer to your little sister! She hasn't been this excited about anything for a while. And you know in her fragile condition, she still hasn't fully recovered."

Reynold scoffed. "I wasn't being mean to her! I was just trying to be helpful!"

They continued to bicker while Penelope enjoyed her food.. It all tasted so wonderfully exquisite on her tongue!

She decided to go get seconds once she had finished her food. She approached the long table with all the food once more, which was about 240" long. She licked her lips as she looked around for food she hadn't tried yet.

However, she stopped looking the moment she saw Callisto walk into the banquet hall. He wore his typical ensemble--red and black fur cape, white suit, and all his medals--but what really caught her eye was how the lighting made his hair shine like tiny flecks of gold. It reminded her of the first time she saaw him. She was just as mesmerized by it now as she was before, and she followed him with her gaze as he went on stage to address the attendees.

"My fellow countrymen, I thank you all most sincerely for attending my birthday banquet. Please, enjoy the festivities. Especially the food and drinks. The wine was specially imported from the Americas, which I hear is rather strong. Let's see who falls flat on their face first, shall we?"

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