Chapter One

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"Ladies and gentleman. Welcome, to the Auction."

Shutting my eyes, I closed the curtain that separated me from the main event. I could still here the chatter and applause from the hundred people, all dressed in suits and ball gowns fit for the red carpet, before the host began talking over a microphone again.

Just seeing how popular this event was, was making me feel sick. I didn't know if I was feeling sick because of nerves or because I didn't agree with what was happening. I blocked out the woman explaining how the event was going to proceed as my best friend had already explained it to me everyday this week. I just had to compose myself, walk out on stage and then I could relax.

When I opened my eyes again the mayhem that surrounded me was dying down as the nine other girls were nearly ready. They were being told to line up in order by a guy with a Bluetooth on his ear and a clipboard in hand. He scrolled the list while counting the girls before looking around hastily.

"Riley." I jumped at the sound of my name being called from my best friend who came to stand beside me. "We need to line up." She said holding the long, elegant red dress by the hem so she didn't trip. When she noticed that I wasn't following her, she sighed and dropped her dress so it fell to the floor. "Riley, I know you don't want to do this and your only doing this for me so if you want to, drop out."

I stared back at her and shook my head. "No, Jenna, I'm fine." I tried to reassure her but she didn't look convinced. "It's one night." I smiled and she smiled back looking more confident.

"Thank you." She said giving me a quick hug. "You look beautiful by the way." She said before the Bluetooth guy came and ushered her into sixth place.

This charity event was for Jenna's mum. She was raising money for some local charities and the biggest and wealthiest people were here for good press. I only recognised some of them from our towns local news but never had I ran into them before. They had their own gated community on the far side of town.

I was only standing in for a girl who dropped out because she fell pregnant. Jenna was stuck for replacement and I offered to help out. I've known both her and her mum for years, they were like family to me.

Jenna gave me a quick thumbs up from her position and I gave her a quick forced smile back. She looked stunning in her strapless blood red, silk evening dress. Her shoulder length hair was perfectly styled in a up do and her make-up was flawless. Her six inch heels made her taller and leaner then she already was, giving her that supermodel look.

The same team had done my own make-up and hair but it didn't compare to her natural beauty. The rest of the girls were model material and I'd never felt more out of place.

I took a step forward to stand in my place when my reflection stopped me. I didn't look like me. Sure this girl had the same hazel eyes and blonde hair but if it wasn't for those features I wouldn't have recognised myself. My hair was curled and pinned up in grips with white pearls while my make-up was light and natural. The dress I wore was a gift from Jenna's mum, it was a floor length black gown that had sliver straps that crossed at the back with a small amount of sliver detail on the front of the dress. It was beautiful.

"I need my number ten in place. Come on girl." Bluetooth guy tore me away and put me behind the last girl. He also handed me a black laced mask that covered most of my face and hid my appearance. Jenna's mum thought it would have more spark that way.  

I took in a breath as Jenna's mum called the first girl to stage. I rubbed my hands against the fabric of my dress and pushed the thoughts of me stumbling on stage out of my mind.

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