Chapter Three

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The following day Jenna had come over early with Louise and Steph to let us know how her date went. She couldn't stop smiling as she described Lewis as a sexy surfer guy with blonde curly hair and baby blue eyes and a smile that had her heart melting. He sounded charming as ever he took her for a fancy dinner and kept the conversation flowing all night as they went dancing and strolled the streets under the city lights.

It sounded all to romantic and perfect as they both agreed they'd like to meet each other again. As dreamy as the date sounded, I'd prefer to do something fun on the first date, specially with someone I didn't know. I found it very awkward trying to keep the small talk flowing over a fancy dinner. I wasn't as confident as Jenna.

After spending the morning with the girls lounging around my living room, it was finally time for me to get ready for my own date. Despite me explaining how I could get ready myself, the girls were already routing through my room finding the 'perfect' outfit.

Just as I was about to walk up the stairs after them, I heard the front door open and turned around to see my mother walking in looking more tired then usual. "Fun business trip?" I asked, startling her as she looked up at me half way up the staircase.

"Oh Riley, you scared me." She smiled while placing her briefcase and small suitcase on the side table before removing her shoes. "I'm just glad to be home." She sighed contently. My mother managed a hotel in the main city, her boss was actually Mr Hopkins. The man who won a date for his son with Jenna. He was a fair boss but the hours were long and stressful as her responsibility was to keep the hotel running smoothly in all areas to uphold their five star reputation around the country.

"What you need is a vacation." I said feeling guilty that she works so hard to provide for me. Her wage was more then decent being the manager but she set most of it aside for me to attend college, I had a part-time job so I could help her out as much as I could but she didn't want my help. She wanted me to enjoy being a teenager.

"Yeah." She sighed just as a bang came from above us. "What was that?" She questioned confused.

"The girls are trying to find me an outfit for today." She looked back at me confused before realisation dawned on her face.

"Do I need to be worried?" She asked. I shook my head and she gave me a small smile. "In that case enjoy your date and I'll cook us dinner later so you can fill me in." I nodded, the feeling of missing my mom these past few weeks hit me harder then I thought. She'd been doing overtime, filling in for her co-manager who normally attended these business meetings since he was away but he'd be back tomorrow giving her a few days off.

I made my way back upstairs and was shocked to see that my room had now transformed into a beauty salon. "What-"

"Shower now, we only have an hour and a half to fix you." Steph pushed me into my bathroom before shutting the door in my face.

After I showered, I was sat on my desk chair while Louise started on my make-up and Steph started tugging at my hair while Jenna danced around trying to share her good mood. I told them that this wasn't at all necessary but each time they ignored me.

Once my hair and make-up were done, Jenna then held out black skinny jeans with a nude chiffon top paired with nude sandals and a black bag. I rolled my eyes at all the effort they were going through for this one date but it was three against one so I couldn't win.

Once I had changed, I looked in my mirror and was pleasantly surprised. They hadn't gone overboard like I had expected, Louise used a natural foundation with some blusher to highlight my cheekbones while she had applied mascara and a pale pink lipstick. My hair was curled slightly at the bottom making it look smooth and natural and the outfit didn't make it look like I had tried too hard to dress to impress.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2015 ⏰

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