Chapter Two

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Tearing my eyes away, I looked over at Jenna who had her mouth open in shock as she stared at the guy in front of me. I looked over at the guy standing opposite her to find a man around my dads age who was engaging in conversation with the man besides him. When I looked back at Jenna she mouthed 'lucky' and winked as I rolled my eyes.

"So you're the lucky girl." His voice was deep and masculine causing goose bumps to rise over my arms.

"What makes you say I'm lucky?" I asked, looking up at him. He raised his eyebrows some what amused.

"Well, I had to put a bid on someone." He answered and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. That was becoming a bad habit of mine.

"Basically, you ran out of girls and I was your last option." I folded my arms over my chest. He didn't reply and I laughed humourlessly. "You should have just put the money on the girl you liked most." I told him while giving him a small smile.

"Ladies, masks." I bit my lip, nervously before releasing the breath I had been holding. I hesitated when I grabbed hold of the edge and lick my lips.

"I did." The guy spoke up before I had chance to remove the mask. I looked back at him confused. "Truth was, I wasn't even going to bid. I was just going to hand over a check at the end of the night." He admitted. I opened and shut my mouth, not knowing what to say. "I'm Chris, by the way."

"Riley." I answered smiling. I then proceeded to lift the mask away from my face, letting it hang by my side as I looked back up to Chris.

"Okay guys, I just need to run a few things by you." Denise came over, gaining both our attention. "Mr Romanelli, may I say you made a bold move tonight." She commented, fluttering her eyelashes at him. I rolled in my lips as she shameless flirted with him. "Ok, so I need a time and location for your date so we can snap a few pictures and then, well, that's it."

She expected us to arrange a date on the spot. She looked expectantly at me but Chris cleared his throat and smiled politely at her. "Allow me." With that, he steered her away while discussing, well, I have no idea.

Sighing, I turned away and walked over to Jenna. She was talking to some other girls but when she saw me approaching, she excused her self before pulling me to one side. Her grin was too big for her face while her eyes sparkled with excited. Her grip on my upper arms was tight and was slowly cutting off my blood supple to my hands.

I gave her a confused look while clearing my throat. "Jen, I kinda want the feeling in my hands back please."

"Sorry." She let go but squealed in excitement. "Riley, do you have any idea who you just won a date with?" She asked already dying to tell me.

"No, I don't. And no I don't want too." I rushed when she opened her mouth to tell me. She pouted, sticking her bottom lip out.

"Why not?" She whined confused.

"You know I don't really care for labels or titles, none of that stuff matters. Besides, I'd like to make my own judgement on him." She sighed and I knew she really wanted to blurt whatever it was she had to say but she held her tongue. "What about you, who's the lucky bidder?"

"Ah, that would be Mr Hopkins though he was quite charming he told me I'd be going on a date with his son. He was just happy to have participated in the night." She grinned.

"Let me guess, you already know who his son is?" She gave me a knowing smile which made me laugh, I wasn't sure how she did it but she somehow knew everything about everyone in this town. "So, what happens now?"

She shrugged and looked around. "I guess we enjoy the party." She gave me a wicked smile before pulling me back over to the waiter handing out flutes of champagne. She took two and handed me one while already downing her own. "Drink up." She said placing the empty glass down. I brought the glass to my lips, the fruitiness going down smoother then the usual alcoholic drinks she gives me. "Lets dance."

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