𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 - 𝘢 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘥

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"Hah..." The two children let out deep breaths to calm themselves down from the adrenaline coursing through their veins from their mile-run escape in a game of tag. They had collapsed into a sitting position, their breaths turning into joyous laughter.

"We did it! We got away!" (Y/n) pumped her fists in the air with a satisfied smile. "Did you see how confused Amina got when we split up?"

Kaveh nodded rigorously, speaking between laughs. "Totally, she was like a deer in the headlights. Ah, I'm beat." His head drooped down and fell towards her, landing straight in her lap.

"Ahhh?!" she let out a surprised squeak, her face burning in embarrassment.

"I'm exhausted," Kaveh looked up at her, seeing how her head was craned down and her hair fell over her shoulders, a single stray strand brushing against his forehead. He averted his gaze. "Y–you don't gotta stare. I'm just tired, and don't wanna lie down in the grass."

(Y/n) tried to control her volume but in the end her answer came out a pitiful squeak, quickly turning her head away. "Oh, okay!"

Despite the embarrassing situation Kaveh found that his eyelids were involuntarily fluttering shut, the warmth of the sun and the girl's lap lulling him into slumber. The exuberant sounds of wildlife encircling them was strangely calming.

The boy couldn't help but wish that there was some world where he could stay like this forever, without any worries to plague his everyday life.

If only this could last forever...

But even at the young age he was at he knew that no matter how much he wished, time would keep flowing mercilessly.

.  .  .

You woke up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat, your breath ragged and hoarse. Something felt terribly wrong. You couldn't place what exactly was the problem–all you knew was that your lungs felt like they were on fire with each breath you took.

Wearily, you pushed yourself out of bed, the blankets shifting and falling onto the floor. I need something to drink. That was the logical conclusion you came to—so as had become a common nightly routine, you headed out to get some water.

Picking up the cup with your right hand, you swallowed down the liquid with relief as it slightly cleared your throat of the burning sensation that was almost too much for your body to withstand. The open air of the abode in the kitchen was colder than it was in your own room, so you tried to drink as swiftly as possible so you could return to bed and go back to sleep.

Just as you were about to swallow the last few drops—


The cup fell to the floor, the cold water splashing over your bare feet. As you looked down, you could see that the disgusting scales had begun to spread onto your feet. The cold water splashing down on them suddenly caused your entire body to give out beneath you in pain. Your already weak and pained body making contact with the hard wooden floor sent a sharp spasm through your entire abdomen.

No more...please, no more.

It felt like you were being lit on fire. Every inch of your body was screaming in agony as if knives were digging into your body parts and tearing your skin open.

...Why can't my life just end already?

I can't give up. That was the thought that you convinced yourself was fact as the image of your childhood friend's face came into your mind. That sentiment gave you just enough willpower to attempt to lift your right arm and drag yourself into a semi-standing position.

Or at least, that's what should've happened.

Your right arm was draped over and limp like a wilted flower, as if it had lost every iota of life that it once contained.

"...Huh?" you tried to move it again to no avail, a sound of disbelief escaping from your lips.

No way. Why now? Why is this happening? Reality tried to sink in—but you wouldn't let it. The cruel truth that was facing you now was simply too much to bear. You felt as if the very oxygen you breathed in was thick and filthy, leaving your lungs strained and gasping for air.


You clenched your other hand into a tight fist in an attempt to snap your arm out of whatever was happening to it right now. The disgusting scales were like a spiral crawling up your right forearm as if to taunt you.

Move. Move. Move. You eventually realized that commanding it to do so was useless. So in a childish fit of frustration you slammed your left fist onto the scales as hard as you possibly could, ignoring the seething pain that threatened to knock you unconscious.

Why is this happening? Continuing to bash your fist into your now limp arm tears welled up in your eyes–the very action causing more and more pain to fill your body. 

Your left hand finally stopped its continuous pounding. It was all futile. After all, the pain was mostly from your labored breathing and the scales' impact against your fist. Even though the pain you experienced should have been mostly in your right arm...you felt nothing at all.

Staring at your now bloodied and useless arm, you parted your lips...

And let out an agonized scream.

i: 2/14/23

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