Annabeth at Goode High

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A/N- This is going to be an Annabeth at Goode High story (obviously.) I'm super excited because this is my first Percabeth story so I hope you like it!! Sorry for any spelling mistakes! Disclaimer- Sadly I am not Rick Riordan. I do not own anything! This story takes place after The Last Olympian and the Lost Hero never happened!

Annabeth's POV:

The Great Prophecy? Over. Kronos? Gone. Percy and I.... Percy and I. We were together, I guess. Ever since our underwater kiss on his birthday.

It was almost the end of the summer and Percy and I were laying on the beach after dinner, his head in my lap and me playing with his jet black hair. He had his eyes closed and was humming a tune unfamiliar to me. It was relaxing feeling the vibration of his humming against my legs. I always loved when it was just us. For the first few weeks after the war, we barley saw each other. Then things winded down and many campers went home for school. I didn't even want to think about the end of the summer when Percy and I would have to part. Over half a year without Percy? No thanks. I was so lost in thought, I didn't notice that Percy had stopped humming and was staring at me intently with his sea green eyes.

'Damn,' I thought to myself, 'He is going to kill me with his eyes.'

Truth be told, they were his most attractive feature. Next to his amazing abs, messy but cute jet black hair, and his fatal flaw of loyalty. I guess it was kind if reassuring knowing he wouldn't ever leave me....... Besides the fact he tells me everyday.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks me.

"Who says I was thinking about anything?" I said back.

"Please," he scoffed, "Wise Girl not thinking? That's a great joke Annabeth, but I think you should leave the jokes to me."

I hesitated before answering, but I gave in knowing he'd find out sooner or later.

"I'm just thinking about how much I don't want to leave you," I sighed.

He lifted his head off my lap and sat up next to me. I tried to avoid his gaze because I knew he would more then likely make a smart remark to that. I felt his fingers turn my chin so I was looking straight into his sea green irises.

"Come with me." he said simply.

"What?" I asked slightly confused.

"Come with me to Goode, It'll be fun!" Percy pleaded.

The more I thought about it, the better the idea sounded. I did need to be closer to Olympus to redesign it, right? And I also wouldn't have to say goodbye to Percy. I considered my options and I couldn't find anything wrong with staying in New York.

"Alright fine. I guess it wouldn't hurt to be closer to camp and Olympus." I said.

"But what about being closer to me?" Percy asked with mock-hurt.

I just rolled my eyes at that comment and decided not to answer that question. My boyfriend did not need a bigger ego then he already had.

"I need to call my dad and ask him if it's ok if I stay in New York with you. And you Seaweed Brain," I said while I poked his stomach, "Need to ask your mom."

"Alright I will. See you at campfire, Wise Girl?" Percy asked me.

"'Course you will Perce."

We both leaned in and met in the middle. The kiss started as something sweet and innocent but soon our lips were moving together in perfect sync and our tongues fighting for dominance of the kiss. I eventually gave up and let him win, knowing we needed to go call our parents. I pulled back and Percy stood up while offering me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up.

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