Chapter 5- Nightmares and Swimming Pools

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Annabeth's POV:

I was running. Where I was going, I wasn't sure. It was dark. Not just plain dark but spine tingling, blood chilling, suffocating darkness. My legs hurt and branches snapped in my face from the forest I was running through.

'Why am I running?' I thought to myself.

I kept going and going; tripping over my own feet, until I came into a clearing. I saw Luke clutching a bloody knife so tightly his knuckles were white on the hilt. He was panting heavily with a murderous look in his eyes. I knew what he had just done, and it was so indescribably crazy I didn't want to even admit it to myself. There below him lay Percy..... With a knife sticking out of his Achilles heel.

"No! No no no! Luke, what did you do?!" I shrieked.

I sprinted across the dry dirt and grass to get Percy. I grabbed his hand and grasped it like a lifeline.

"Percy," I whispered, "Percy don't go. You promised me you wouldn't leave."

"Annabeth," Percy rasped, "Annabeth, I love you."

Tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. His eyes closed and I sobbed harder. I brought my lips down to his and kissed his cold, lifeless lips. I gave his hand one more squeeze before standing up and looking into the amused face of Luke. I pulled my dagger out of belt and stared murderously into Luke's blue eyes.

"What did you do?" I demanded.

"Don't you see Annabeth? I did this for us. Join me. You, Thalia, and I can run around just how it used to be. Come with me." He said offering me a hand to shake.

"Are you crazy?" I scoffed. "After everything you've ever done to me you think I would go with you? Nothing will ever be the same Luke!"

"I was afraid you'd say that. I'm sorry then Annabeth. I have to take you to Kronos." Luke said with a grim expression in his eyes.

"You're not taking me anywhere!" I said tightly.

I slashed at him but just as quickly he pulled his sword out and blocked my strike. He slashed, I dodged, and slashed at him. I blocked his blade and rolled under to slash him from behind, but he anticipated the move and disarmed me as well as shoving me to the ground. He held his sword to my neck tightly enough to draw a little blood.

"What happened to the Luke I used to know? The one who protected me and kept me safe? What happened to him?" I whispered tears gleaming in my eyes.

"You made the wrong move Annabeth. For a daughter of Athena that was very unwise. I'm sorry, but your coming with me," He said, picking me up in the process.

"Let me go! Percy! Percy help me!" I shrieked even though I knew he couldn't help me.

The last thing I saw was Percy's lifeless body before Luke pulled me into darkness.


I woke up racked in trembles. I was shaking badly but I just couldn't stop. Percy darted up next to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"What happened Annabeth?" He asked gently as he stroked my hair away from my face.

I couldn't say anything. I just kept shaking uncontrollably and let him hold me. Percy continued to whisper things to me to make me feel better but I just kept shaking and tried to control my breathing. I wasn't crying but the movements of my body made it look like I was. After a few more minutes, my breathing slowed and I stopped shaking.

"Nightmare?" Percy asked gently.

"Yeah," I whispered barley audio able.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

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