Chapter 7- Like an Every Day Occurrence

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WARNING: Fluff overload. So much fluff you might die. Also bad words ahead. Just thought I'd warn you guys.

Annabeth's POV:

Waking up to scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast is a great way to start Monday morning, don't you think? Yeah, I thought so too, until Percy pounced on top of me trying to get out of bed and into the kitchen.

"Jackson!" I screamed.

Percy shuffled back through the door and leaned down to kiss my nose.

"Last name, huh? So scary," he whispered teasingly.

Percy stood up and sprinted out the door, no doubt going to the kitchen for breakfast.

"I hate you!" I yelled playfully.

"No, you don't, Chase!" he called back. "You love me."

I sighed and pulled myself out from underneath the fluffy, blue comforter. Stumbling over to Percy's dresser, I grabbed some clothes and made my way to his bathroom to take a shower and get ready for the day.

The warm water felt great on my skin as it woke my body up. After using my favorite lemon shampoo and conditioner, I turned the water off and wrapped a soft, green towel around my body. I stepped out of the shower and put my feet onto the cold tiled ground. Out of the corner of my eye I could see just a twitch of a black spot, and that's all I needed to see to know exactly what it was. Screaming bloody murder and huddling on the the bathroom counter is where Percy found me about ten seconds later.

"Per-Per-Percy, kill it!" I wailed.

The eight legged arachnid stared at me and began crawling along the wall towards me.

"Wise Girl," Percy said soothingly, "Calm down. I'm going to get it."

Percy tugged on the roll of toilet paper and pulled off a chunk. I watched with a trembling frame as he squished the spider against the wall and threw it into the trash can.

"See, Wise Girl?" Percy asked me while holding out a hand to help me get down from my spot on the counter. "All better."

My breathing slowed as Percy pulled me off the counter and into his arms.

"I hate spiders." I murmured.

"I know you do," Percy said kissing the top of my head and running his fingers through my wet hair.

I pulled back and stood there awkwardly in a towel blushing furiously. Percy looked at me questioningly wondering why I was pink in the face, when realization hit him like bricks and his face turned a similar shade as mine.

"Yeah, um, I'm going to let you get dressed now." Percy stumbled backing out of the bathroom.

"Uh, ya, thanks,"I said closing the door.

Quickly dressing, brushing my teeth, and brushing my hair, I exited the bathroom and made my way to the kitchen.

"Bathroom is all yours," I mumbled sitting down at the table next to Percy.

"Thanks." he smiled before ruffling my hair and disappearing down the hall.

"So, Annabeth, how'd you sleep last night?" Sally asked me while putting some bacon and eggs on my plate.

"Fine," I responded casually. "Tried to avoid being drooled on by Percy."

Mrs. Jackson cracked a smile and put some food on Percy's plate for when he returned from taking a shower.

"I'm going to find Paul for breakfast. If you want more, feel free to have more breakfast, Annabeth." Sally told me kindly.  

"Thanks, Sally," I said smiling warmly before she went off down the hall to find her husband.  

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