Vampires Don't Like Werewolves

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Edward's POV

When I met the new kid (who I assumed was Jacob)'s eyes I felt something deep inside of me that I can't place. It wasn't a thirst for his blood, nor pure hatred for him and his kind, but I went through them anyways.

I knew what it was from the moment he saw me.

But vampires don't do that. They don't have mates, and they don't even interact with werewolves. Actually, they absolutely hate them. They were supposed to.

So I ignored it. That stinky mutt wouldn't be weeding his way into my brain at all.

Alice smirked at me and I flipped her off, sitting down at our table. Usually I would try to glare at the people who stared at us, but right now I was focused on keeping my eyes on the red stain on the table when Emmett brought a packet of animal blood to school and chugged it, spilling some on the table. He got in a lot of trouble with Carlisle for that.

School did go on. I avoided Jacob the best I could (and I'm sure that he was avoiding me too) and we didn't have any classes together.

Well, until biology.

I was sitting at my usual spot, alone, fingers tapping along the side of the desk. It was a habit I had to tell myself to do, since no one could see me standing too still.

The teacher was assorting his papers at his desk when he walked in.

Jacob's POV

My eyes landed on him first.

Of course they did.

Stupid Cullens. Stupid vampires.

Stay away from the Cullens. 

And I really thought that that would be easy. Because it's supposed to be. Werewolves hate vampires, they've never gotten along, so what good does me fucking mating with one do?

Well, I couldn't be sure about the mating part— but everyone I knew that had a mate had told me it was hard to explain, but I would know when I felt it.

The bad part is that I did feel it, and that wasn't exactly a good thing.

I was planning on going back to the reservation today and begging my dad to go back to Pheonix. Making it absolutely certain that I never see that Edward again.

Looks like I was going to have to sit through this, too.

I huffed.

"Jacob, you can go sit beside Edward there."


Even worse. Nowhere else to sit, really?

I took another deep breath, ready to hold my breath for the terrible vampire stench, and made my way to the brown table.

He retreated further to the other side, squashed right up against the wall. He wasn't even trying to hide his aversion to me, and I was slightly offended, but it's not like I wasn't doing the same.

When the final bell rang, I practically sprinted out of the classroom, to some confused stares from my classmates.

I didn't care. I was getting out of this place, no matter what I had to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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