Rebekah was sitting in the compound with Hayley when Kol came down. She wanted him to explaint his further what was going on. So that she could make sense of all of this. "So can you tell me what the hell is going on i am confused and you didn't really explain anything."

"What do you want to know Bekah?" Kol asked. He knew his sister and he knew that she wasn't going to give up unless he told her something. Despite the fact that he really didn't even ant to tell her anything he guessed he coudl tell her enough to hold her off.

"She helped plan your death tell me about that you didn't say anything to us.YOU DIDN'T SAY GOODBYE YOU JUST LET YOURSELF DIE!" Rebekah was angry with her brother that he was just

Elijah Freya and Klaus walked in who had Hope although the yelling was irritating they did have some of the same questions."Stop the yelling but i would like to know the same what we piss you off again you didn't want to say goodbye."

Freya hit Klaus on the head she knew that this was hard for all of them but also that arguing was going to get them nowhere. "Shut the hell up and let him talk Nik we get it he's always going to be your only competion cause Elijah and Rebeakh are fearing a dagger i get Rebekah being mad Kol is her favorite but why the hell are you mad."

"Go on Kol i want to hear this reason why you didn't tell me two things first you were with the doppelganger two that you got her pregnant and sacraficed yourself for her." No matter how romantic that was she hated that she hadn't been told about what was going on.

He had tried to help his sister but she always choose them she always betrayed him and he was done with it."I've done it for you and yet you still managed to betray me for them over and over again 1914 the dimond i was looking for at least one of my sisters care."

"Wait what" Rebekah asked she looked back at Freya she knew that Freya had been in different time periods but she didn't know that they had already met in a previous one.

"Oh sorry he's also my favorite brother magic connection and everything what i can make a golden dagger" Freya said. She wished that they weren't divided but it was to many of them not to be. And she knew that it had been that way for years so she doubted that it would stop anytime soon. "Kol you can talk now."

"I started dating Elena what's the problem with that or is it because it was usually Nik and Elijah who had the problem with the doppelgangers." Kol knew the families history with doppelgangers and that usually it was Elijah and Klaus. It was bound to be someone else soon. He didn't care what they thought of her they had been through a lot together and he loved her and he wouldn't let his siblings take that away from him.

Rebekah just didn't quite understand how he could date Elena after everything that she had done to the family. It wasn't fair that he was choosing her over them. "She daggered me She tried to kill each one of us or do you not remember how we all almost had 12 hours to live."

"I never drunk it Rebekah we never were all linked." He hadn't told his siblings that they had deserved to feel like everything was loss and there was no hope. He deserved to be happy and he deserved to be with someone he loved and who loved him and that was her.  It was the least they could feel after everything that he went through. "She got pregnant i had one of my witches confirm it i do have more witches then you do. Her brother found the test he said it was me and she'd get the cure or it was the baby i didn't give her a choice."

Hayley nodded she understood it now he had to pick between himself and the love of his life and his child and he knew right off the bat what his answer was. "Jenna."

When Elena got to New Orleans she went to Rousseau's someone had told her to meet them there. She wasn't sure if it was Kol or someone else but she was sure it was better than going to see his siblings.  She walked in with Jenna. There was a blond behind the counter on her phone. Elena walked up to her. She looked harmless and if not she was still a vampire that packed a punch.

"Hello" Elena greeted she hoped that she had come to the wrong place the only thing on her mind was getting back to Kol.

Cami looked up at her she was holding a baby that looked a lot like the original she was helping so she assumed that this was Elena. "Are you Elena I'm Camille call me Cami I texted you cause Kol doesn't want them near either of you" Cami said. Elena was so confused but she decided to just go with it."Aww this must be Jenna she is so cute."

"Thanks." She knew that she had a cute baby and that it was going to give them hell as she grew up.

Cami knew that she was going to have to explain everything to her for it to make sense. To her she was a stranger. "Sorry i am probably freaking you out let me take you to the house then i can explain everything its a lot."


Cami took Elena and Jenna to a house in the woods."Come in." Elena and Jenna walked in. It was a beautiful house she had to admit that.

Elena looked at her confused she had invited her in and she said that she was helping Kol. So she knew that he had something to do with this. "Where are we?"

"Your new house he was transported into another body by his mother. He contacted me and asked for my help until he get back." Cami was happy to help especially with what he had been offering her it proved to be worth it. And she was happy to bring a family back together. "After tormenting this witch she finally brought him back. But before that he bribed me into doing somethings. Before he officially brought you two here."

"What things" Elena asked she was confused on what all she had been asked to do.

She had done a lot of things and she had learned that she would be a great interior designer. "Take a look around look at the house her room your room the things here then me and you can talk he'll be stuck with them awhile they want an explanation so why he gives them one i give you one."

"No one is this nice what he bribe you with" Elena stood Jenna on floor letting her walk around. She turned towards Cami she knew that no one did things like this for free and that the Mikaelson family was loaded. "Please tell me you baby profed this place"

"Thats the first thing he had me do make sure she couldn't get into anything." She knew that it would be dangerous if Jenna could just walk around and get into any and everything she reached. "And to answer your first question i became a millionare"

"How much did he give you" Elena wanted to know for her own purposes especially for when holidays came around.

"500 Mil. take a look around your going to love the house" She was sure that she was going to love it.

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Elena headed back to the living room with Jenna she had to admit the house was beautiful. "What the hell"

"Thats what i said when he said i'm going to 500 million dollars if you design this house for me." She had originally thought that he was crazy when he handed her the check and then when she acutally got the money she was like ok what am i doing. "You have no budjet just make it family friendly."

"I love it is this his way on putting me on house arrest" Although she actually wouldn't mind being stuck in this house with her daughter. She was sure that this was his way of nicely saying that she wouldn't be allowed to leave not like she was going to listen anyways.

"No he doesn't want them here unless its Haley Hope or Freya he said the other three aren't allowed near Jenna or you he said they ruined your life enough he was pretending to be a witch his mother made sure he wasn't really dead." She had to admit she understood he was trying to protect his family and was going to do it at any costs. He had made sure that everything was ok and that he knew that he was truly back before bringing them back. "So the witch he was pretending to be was this dude Kaleb. Anyway tormented the witch got her to return him to his rightful body when that happened first person that he wanted to see was you and Jenna."

She knew that she couldn't be mad about that he had done what he had to do to get back to his family. And she agreed she didn't want them near her daughter they had there own grudges and she wouldn't let them take them out on her. "I don't want them near her either they each have there own grudges and i don't want them near my daughter."

"How about you two go get sleep its a long trip from New York to New Orleans." She knew that Elena had made sure to get here safely and how fast she probably came to be here. But they were going to need rest it couldn't have been an easy trip.

"Ok thanks Cami." She was thankful for her help and that she had done this to help them.

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