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Elena reached the house just has Cami did with Jenna. She took Jenna and both girls walked in. Kol was sitting on the couch she went and sat next to him she knew that he needed to know that it wasn't only going to be Freya and Hayley that was coming over. "I invited your sister over she may be an evil bitch but she's trying"

Kol would always love and care for his sister but he wanted her to decide what it was that she was going to do. He hated the back and fourth her struggling to decide what side she wanted to be on. "Rebekah needs to choose sides she never knows what she wants to do." 

"She wants to get to be in your life in Jenna's life let her" Elena thought it over and she decided she wanted to give Rebekah a chance one chance that was all she was getting but a chance was a chance. She knew that it was hard for Rebekah but she knew that she had been pushed to do the things that she had done.  "Rebekah may be evil that's because most people drive her to it its not her fault that her brothers force her to do stuff"

"I forget how nice you are sometimes." Kol knew that because she was so nice that was what had landed him with her and he would forever be thankful that he had given him a chance. 

"Get used to it cause i'm back and were not going anywhere." She was not letting her family get seperated again. It had happened once and she wouldn't allow anything else to get in the way.  

"Good" Kol smiled he took Jenna from her knowing that it had been a day for the two. This was his life and he loved it and he wasn't letting it be taken from him again. "How about i put her down before they come she must be tired."

"Ok i have to go call Caroline she must be wondering whats going on?" Elena took her phone and went to her office she wanted to see if she could get any work done. And talk to her best friend she hadn't heard from her and that worried her a little bit. She hoped that everything was ok. 

"Hey Elena what's up?" Although she had been meaning to call her best friend she hadn't quite had the time to do it.

"Nothing much how is it there?" Everything was going great so far and she wanted to check in and make sure that everything was ok for her friends.

"What have you heard?" Caroline hadn't wanted to call and tell her what had happened she wanted a chance to see if she could figure it out herself without worrying Elena.

Elena knew that there was something going on and she wanted to know what it was. "Nothing whats going on?"

"Nothing" Caroline lied she didn't want to tell her what was going on but she was now seeing that she wasn't going to have a choice she knew that she was going to have to tell her.

Now that she was sure that something had happened she wanted to know what it was. "Caroline Elizabeth Forbes 5- 4-3-2 "

Although she didn't want to tell her about what had happened. She did know that she deserved to know. "Ok Ok Damon killed Tyler and Bonnie 2 days ago after finding out that you had a kid cause he heard me on the phone i'm sorry." 

"There's nothing to be sorry for Caroline i'm back where i belong " Elena knew that when people started to find out about Jenna all the reactions weren't going to be the best. "I'll figure it out from here ok."

"Yeah alright" Caroline knew that Elena probably had a better chance of figuring things out then her she had more resources being a dopplganger and dating an original.

"Bye" Elena hung up and called Katherine she knew that she would be able to fix the issue without any problems.

"Yes Elena?" While she was happy to hear from her doppelganger she knew that she was usually busy and that she had just reunited with the love of her life. 

"Bonnie and Tyler are dead" Elena knew that was going to catch her attention they were Katherine's friends as wekk.

"What who" Katherine had been talking to the two not that long ago and now she was being told that they were dead.

"Damon he found out about Jenna" Elena knew that Katherine would be able to get them back. She would not let there lives be lost because one of her exes got jealous and took it out on them.

"I can get them back but it will take me a while a year at most" Katherine knew it would take some time but since Bonnie was the last Bennett she was betting that she could find a witch to bring her back.

"Ok" Elena was fine with that as long as they got back safely.

"Damon will be dead by the end of the week." Katherine knew that was going to be the next thing on her list she wasn't going to want him to be a danger to Jenna. 

Elena smiled she was happy she was going to handle that it took something off of her plate. She knew that it was time for her ex boyfriend to finally get what he deserved. "Great he deserves it"

"Good to know i got your blessing i'll let you know what happens" Katherine would handle things as quickly as she could but she knew that it was going to take some time.

"And if Stefan tries to stop you." Elena hoped she was aware that if Stefan got in the way he was gone to.  

"He dies to i know." Katherine was well aware what to do if he interevined. 

"Bye" Elena said.

"Bye bye" Katherine siad.


Elena was trying and failing to write when Kol walked in Carrying a now awake Jenna. She was happy to see the two and was thinking about taking a new picture for her homescreen.

"Hi Jenna" Elena got up and went and took her from him she knew that the two had a long day or a long 2 years really. She was just waiting for everything to calm down so she could get to a new normal. "It's been a really long day for you"

"What's wrong i know that look" Kol could tell that something was wrong he wanted to try and keep her as stressful as possible.

She didn't want to talk about it get into everything that was wrong she knew that it could wait. "Long story Mystic Falls crap there handling it from there i'm done with that town it's where i lost everything." 

"Are you sure you want Rebekah to meet her?" Kol wanted to make sure that Elena was ready for this and that she was positive that this was what she wanted. 

"Rebekah already met her. I want her in her nieces life. She may be evil crazy and insecure but she deserves this chance." She wanted to give Rebekah the chance to have her family whole again and she knew that it was going to take some time to get Kol on good terms with his brothers but his sister was a good start. "She loses everything and every time she sides with one brother or does this or that she ends up hurting someone and i know that she doesn't want to do that. I know that she doesn't." 

"I forget that you see the best in everyone." Kol groaned although he had to admit that was one of the things that he loved the most about her. That she always saw the best in everyone no matter what.

"It worked for you didn't it?" Elena would never regret seeing what everyone else didn't see in him. She loved him and she knew that he was who she was meant to be with.

He was happy that she had given him a chance when she could have choosen to hate him because of what his siblings had done."True."

"I know she deserves this after everything that she has went through. That we have been through. I know she has done a lot but she's finally standing up for herself let her do it" She was haoppy that Rebekah was trying to get more control over her life and she wanted to see it happen. "Please"

"Fine i'll give her 1 chance." He hoped that his sister knew how lucky she was that Elena was willing to give him a chance because that was the only reason.

"She deserves it you know." Elena did believe that she deserved it and she hoped that Rebekah didn't prove her wrong.  

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