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Elena was sitting on the couch with Kol. She was laying on his shoulder. They were watching Jenna play on the floor. Cami was sitting on the chair on her phone. She knew that she was going to have to invite Hayley and Rebekah in. There was a knock at the door and Cami got up and got it."Come in."

Freya Rebekah and Hayley walked in the three were happy to be able to do this.

Hayley who was carrying Hope she looked around the house it was truly amazing."Oh my god this place."

"Well as much as i would love to stay i have a bar to stock" Cami knew that the girls were looking forward to meeting Jenna and that they needed to talk.

"Thanks Cami" Kol was thankful that she was doing for him.

"Anytime bye" Cami left leaving them alone.

"Can i hold her?" Freya was nervous but happy to see her brother happy.

"Sure." Elena nodded she didn't mind she knew that they just wanted to get to know there niece.

Freya picked her up and smiled she could already tell which parent Jenna was going to favor."She looks just like you brother."

"You seriously have baby fever" Hayley knew that they had it from the way that they acted around Hope although she could not really blame them.

"So does Rebekah" Freya knew that her sister always wanted to be a mother and she did want that for her to experience her dream.

Rebekah wasn't sure how she got dragged into it but she didn't want tot talk about her baby fever. She had long since realized that she may never get the chance to be a mother. "That's not the point."

Kol knew that his sister had wanted to be a mother since before they had even turned he knew that it wasn't going to go away any time soon. "Rebekah has had baby fever since she was 17."

"Just don't try to steal my daughter." Elena would let her see her whenever she wanted but that was still her daughter.

"I won't." Rebekah smiled going over to Freya to take Jenna from her."She looks just like you brother down to the smirk." She was happy that her brother was happy that he was getting a family of his own.

"I don't know if thats a good thing or a bad thing" Hayley had heard about Kol but had never seen him do half the things that she had heard about.

"Depends on the situation" Elena knew that her daughter was going to be dangerous she was a Mikaelson that was going to be a given.

"I'm not that bad am I?" Kol looked between the four girls he knew that he ahd done some things but he didn't think that it had been that bad.

"Do we want to talk about the baseball bat situation? Or the bal?l Or i don't know when your sister tried to compel me at my school?" She hadn't know him long but she had seen him do some crazy shit and now she understood why everyone refered to him as the psycho original. "I had never been happier that you had me taking vervain but you tried to kill the crazy professor?"

Rebekah looked between the couple she wanted to make sure that she was hearing this correctly thinking back she would have never guessed it. "You were taking vervain?"

"Half of y'all hated her of course she was taking vervain." He didn't want to talk about it but they had everyone convinced what she said was true. "She's a pretty good actor."

Elena punched him in the arm. Making him groan she knew that her vampire strength made the punch hurt more. She had done great when Rebekah had tried to compel her. "Pretty good i had them believing every word that i said."

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