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Ashley pov :

After the live I went straight up to bed , I did ask Jadon what happened with Jude but he said it was nothing and I was already tired so I thought I'd just let it slide .

It really caught me off guard to have Jude on my live , I even stuttered a bit . It's not the first time random celebrities come on my live but it still makes me nervous every time , out of all the thing you could do you choose to watch me do my skincare routine and talk nonsense.
Without mentioning the fact that I may have looked up to Jude after Jadon mentioned him at the airport yesterday , and by looked up I mean binged watched edits of him . I am no better than a fan , boy totally made me delusional , how can you be this fineeeeeeeeeeee ugh
I hope I won't make it akward at the party by being this nervous , he looks fun to spend time with and I don't wanna ruin it . Still I don't have any intention yet , it's common for me to get small crushes or getting obsessed with a celebrity and it usually doesn't last long so I'm just gonna ignore my heart skipping a beat or two for now .


The day started just fine , I woke up around 11 am and had brunch with the family , Jadon also stayed over for the night, after all we stayed up pretty late .

Today he planned to take me around to rediscover London , we went down to Kennington , our childhood district and met some old friends : Malik and Vicky , we ate at Vicky's place , her mom cooked for us just like a few years ago .
They caught me up on everything that happened during my year abroad and spilled all the drama I missed

Me : She did what now ??

Malik : You heard that right 

Me: She used to be the sweetest girl out there though

Vicky: People change , way more than you think .

Me : Shit's crazy

The room kind of just became silent as I was still processing all the tea that had just been spilled into my face

Jadon : By the way , how'd you date go ? Addressed Jadon to Malik

Vicky: Right , you didn't tell us anything about it

Malik : Man I just think she wasn't the one

Vicky: I'm starting to question if "the one" even existes at this point ?

Malik : Stop acting like you got anyone . You stopped catching dick since 2008

Jadon and I groaned in pain

Jadon : Now that was disrespectful .
Don't worry one if us will soon be taken

Vicky: Who ?

Jadon : Ashley

Ashley : Wait what?

I wasn't even listening to their conversation in the first place but got involved as soon as I heard my name

Jadon : You heard that right , I got someone for her just wait a few days and you'll see

Ashley : If you say so . It's not like he could be worse than Aaron

Malik and Vicky looked at each other

Malik : Hold up ..

Vicky : So it was real ?!

I sighed , totally forgot about this thing

Me: Yes

Vicky: Are - are you okay? Do you wanna talk about it ? She asked reaching for my hand

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