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Ashley pov :
Every single person in the room turned their head when Jude and I walked in . I heard that we were awaited guests since photos of us at the club had been leaked on twitter . Our rumoured couple had gained power and today's matching fits fed those allegations .

The outfits :

I came in with Jude but technically i'm still Jadons +1 , Jude invited his little brother , Jobe

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I came in with Jude but technically i'm still Jadons +1 , Jude invited his little brother , Jobe . Our two original partners joined us  , and you already know Jadon had something to say

Jadon : You guys are 45 minutes late , I wonder what you did in this spare time ..

I looked at Jadon and he immediately understood I had something to tell him

Jadon : You should come with me Ash , some people were asking for you

I looked over at Jude and told him I'd find him later , I may be delusional but I'm pretty sure I saw him pout while watching me walk away . How cute is this guy ?!?

Jadon and I walked out to the back yard where it was a lot quieter .

Jadon : Tell me EVERYTHING

Ash : Okay so , he called me in the afternoon and asked me if I wanted to meet him before the party , like just the two of us .

I could see Jadons lips lift upwards he could tell something was up

Jadon : You guys fucked ?

I don't know if Jude wanted me to keep this all for myself but I sure told Jadon everything ; from the kitchen to the couch , I left nothing out !
It was more of a hot make out session than sex but the tension was still there and I loved every bit of it  .

We talked for quite a while and Jude would probably suspect something if we stayed too long so we both head back in .

" Here you are " says Jude as he walks toward me

Ash : Where's your brother ?

Jude : He's grown enough , I'm sure he's doing good wherever he is . I'd much rather be here with you anyway

I smiled and he became shy.
I love how always he pulls the most flirty and sweet phrases then looks away in embarrassment .

Jude : So are we not gonna talk about what happened earlier ?

Ash : Well ,  for now I think we should just keep it low-key and see where it leads us

Jude : Agree

Ash : But if we're doing this we still need to be exclusive , no side bitch for you

Jude : Ayo chill , I'm not like that

Ash : Let's have this conversation in a month


The party was fun , Jude left a while ago but I decided to stay a little longer . It's now time for me to leave and I decided to walk home since I didn't live so far away.

" Shit " , I would've simply have asked someone to drop me off if I knew it was going to start pouring rain . On top of that , my phone died so I cannot even call a uber to pick me up

I was walking through the rain , rethinking about the rules Jude and I had set , or actually the ones I had set . As my brain was working overtime I hear a car pull up at my level , a black Jaguar precisely , one that looked familiar .

« What is a young lady like you doing outside so late at night ? »
Jay .

I just stood there wondering if that was real as he told me to get inside

Jay was actually being my saviour in this exact moment  . What a great coincidence he happened to be around .
He had this silly smile on his face , he knew he saved me here

Jay : Did your date let you down ?

Ash : Not really , I just thought I could walk by myself until this random weather change hit . Nothing wrong with Jude

Jay : So it's official now ? You guys are together

Ash : What ? Nah , it's nothing serious and the idea of dating him kinda scares me anyway . I think we're both just looking for some good time .

I saw him nod in the rear view mirror , almost as if he was satisfied to know Jude and I weren't fixed yet .


We made it to my place and after thanking him one more time I got out of the car

" Wait ! "
I turned around just to see Jay jogg after me

Jay : It's quite late , it would be safer if I walked you up to your floor

I truly think he had done enough and that walking me to my door was unnecessary but I dont mind him staying with me any longer , actually I even like it .

We took the elevator to the third floor in silence , a comfortable silence .
We were both studying each other and I hate to admit it but goddamnn he's hot ; Jay had Southeast asian features and dusky skin , he was tall , taller than Jude 6,2 by guess . His whole presence was imposing, not in a scary way , almost in a protective one , I would have hired him as my bodyguard if I could . He was jacked , I would love to be hugged by his big arms , just to know how it feels . His eyes were sharp , his lips plump and his smile soft.

We reached my door and I start twisting my keys in the lock , but before going home I turn to him and say :

" I like you . He smiles pressing his lips I did not expect to but I feel like we'll get along well " I had just noticed that Jay has the most adorable downward smile ever which made me crack a smile " I also like you , he says , a lot " From that moment we were both staring into each other , and with no second thought I placed my hand on his neck and asked " Do you ? "

And it is with no further words that I go in to kiss him .
Jay did not even require some time to
adjust and kissed me right back like he had been waiting for this the whole ride , we got interrupted by one of his notifications popping up . "Sorry it's work , I'll see you tomorrow ma'am" .
I watch him walk away until he's out of sight .
I get into my apartment and lock the door behind me and the only word who actually leaves my mouth is : "..shit.."


I know i left y'all hangin a whole month but that's what happens when you don't vote 🙄🙄
Now make sure to VOOTE and FOLLOW 👹👹
Next chapter is in the making so pls dont let me down 🤕

Do y'all hate me for adding Jay to the equation 😜🥺🤭

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