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Sunday morning at my new apartment

I thought it would be a great time to drop a life update on my youtube channel.
I went down my basement in pyjamas and bought myself some pastries from the bakery across the street as SZAs' 'Normal Girl' is playing in my headphones.
Nothing in my mind , not even one of the boys.
I waited quite a while before filming this update because I wanted to talk about my breakup and the insights of my abusive relationship in all honesty and for that I needed to take some time to heal.

Back in my room, I made the camera roll , with some difficulty i managed to get the words out of my mouth and after a few sentences i was unstoppable. The whole video was an hour long and if the dying battery of my camera didn't stop me it could have been twice as long . This was so relieving, I was finally getting something heavy off my chest, it felt amazing .
I decided to play safe and not mention Jude ,instead I talked about a "new love interest".

Jude POV :

«It reassures me that we can have a good time together in and out the bed you know»

«Yeah man cause sometimes if one is missing it ruins the thing you feel me »

I nod , totally getting what Tobi meant
I'm usually not that type of guy but this time I felt the urge to tell him everything about Ash cause she really could be the one. He told me to keep my guard up though and make sure she's trustworthy first but I don't doubt that a second.

We reached that part of the Facetime where one was minding his own buisness and the other one singing wrong lyrics.
After 3 min of singing a remix of hey jude only i knew the lyrics of Tobi calls my name in a serious voice
I ignore it and keep on singing louder because I knew he'd probably just tell me to shush
« It's Ashley»
Silence fills the room and i look at him dead in the eye fearing the worst
« look at what I sent you »

I open his message and get directed to a twitter post

'Model #AshleyCourt caught kissing her new personal driver this friday'

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'Model #AshleyCourt caught kissing her new personal driver this friday'

I was a little scared but didn't believe it much since i know how much bullshit theses twitter rumours can be

« click the link » says Tobi

I do as i'm told and get directed to a video, it seemed like they were in front of an a apartment door when the girl pulls the guy into a kiss .
My heart breaks into pieces as I recognise the white dress Ashley wore at the kick off party , you could have thought it was just another girl who looked like her since her face wasn't so visible but it was very clear to me ,even her hand placement was recognisable , she starts with a hand on the chest and the other on the neck ,as the kiss gets more intense she will close the gap settled by her hand on the chest and make it travel to her kissing partners neck , to finish she will wrap her arms around his neck to maximise the proximity before pulling out .
She had kissed me just like that at the hotel, it felt so personal and intimate but turns out she kisses everyone that way.
I ran out of words only disappointment could fill my mind , towards her but mostly towards me , I had seemed to forgot about our deal who didn't state at any point that we were dating , therefore i'm not even allowed to be jealous.
This is and has always been my problem I get attached way too quickly and love blindly
"You alright?" Toby asks
"i'll catch you later brother" and i hang up before he could even answer

The long awaited comeback 😝😍
this is just a transition chap thats why its so short but chap 16 is on the way i swear this time
okay i did't drop it but its coming 😞🙏🏾🙏🏾

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