Silence - Day 9 - Morning (Closed)

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At the usual time, Atticus began his announcement. Although today his voice was quiet. Solemn.

"To all students, I regret to inform you that all classes today will be canceled. Not only that but the school will be on lockdown. I do not recommend staying outside of your dorm for too long."

Atticus paused, letting out a small sigh.

"The reason being that five students were found dead in the forest last night. Murdered. I won't share any details other than that, just know that the other teachers and I will work tirelessly until the perpetrator of the crime is caught."

"For now, the Dark Forest is off limits. Please, try to stay safe."

Entrance Hall:

Dawn Wing Table:

Dusk Wing Table:

Twilight Wing Table:

Sunrise Wing Table:

Teachers Table:







Star-gazer's Terrace:

Nurse's Office:

Councilor's Office:

Headmaster's Office:

Staff Room:

Staff Quarters:

Dawn Wing:

Common Room:

Dorm rooms:

Dusk Wing:

Common Room:

Dorm rooms:

Twilight Wing:

Common Room:

Dorm rooms:

Sunrise Wing:

Common Room:

Dorm rooms:

Lake of Reflections:


Training Field:

Dark Forest (Off limits):


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