Chapter 10

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Molly's POV

I had to sit on my bed for a minute to think about what was going on. It was all a dream. That guy never came here he never tried breaking in my house. I was safe from him because he was in jail and not here to get me.

I got dressed and walked into the living room to find Bree not there so I went in the kitchen and that's when I smelled the coffee making and ran inside.

"My gosh Molly it's about time you were freaking me out in there."

"Sorry." I said sheepishly

"It's ok I was just worried I would have to carry you to the bathtub to wake you up!" She smiled and grabbed two cups and handed me one. We started out the door.

3 Hours Later

"Ok Bree text me when you get home."

"Kk love u!"

"Love you too be safe." With that Bree left and I was alone. I sat quietly on the couch and waited for something to happen. I was lost broken I didn't want to be here anymore. Someone was trying to open the door, so I staried at it waiting for the person to enter. When they did comr on I was not happy to see who it was. It was my mother and I was still pretty upset that I was leaving.

"Molly listen I know your not happy with alot of the things I have chosen for you and I know your still upset about your fath-"

"No stop don't say crap about him I don't care for him."

"Molly I know you think i'm doing this to hurt you but I just want you to know that just because I'm sending you away". I have zoned her out I care what she has to say I'm just so tired of all of this. I got up from the couch and started walking away as my mother screamed after me. I walked right out of the house and it wasn't until I relized I was running when I got to the park down the block. I saw someone sitting on the bench who looked familer but I couldn't put my finger on it till I got closer. It was Niall. I walked up to the bench and sat down. He looked at me and his eyes shot out of his head.

"Well if it isn't the beautiful Molly."

"Well if it isn't THE Niall Horan". I said the very dramatic to emphisise it more.

"Yeah it's me, so what are you doing?"

"Me Nothing really I just don't wanna go back home so I thought why not the park". He was about to say something when my phone buzzed. I said hold on and checked my phone to see it was my mom.

From Mom

Wont be back till late.

"Great" I said

"Whats wrong?"

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