Part 24-

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I reached home a few minutes before them since I was driving slower today and I walked in while the maids greeted me and handed me some water as I sat in the living room. The boys then walked inside and got some water and everybody except Jin sat on the other couches near me when suddenly, an idea popped into my head. I called Mr Cho and said.


Mr Cho: How may I help you ma'am?
Y/n: You remember that project I had in my drafts that we never got the time to work on?
MrCho: Yes Ma'am.
Y/n: Well get it ready I'll be at the office in about 30 minutes.
MMrCho: but ma'am sirs have strictly prohibited me from giving you any work.
Y/n: This is a direct order from your boss on what basis are you to deny it?
MrCho: I am sorry ma'am but my life is on the line in both cases. I would rather uphold my loyalty to Mr Choi before my last breath than die having disobeyed his commands.
Y/n: No wonder Dad likes having you around. Fine. I'll talk to them. You start arranging that project anyways since it is about time we get back to it. I'll see what to do.
Mr Cho: Yes ma'am.
I cut the call and called Dulls while lying on the couch. Jin walked out of the kitchen holding a cup of tea in his hand and sat beside me right next to where my head was.
Convo in Korean.
Dulls: Hey phenyx!! Is there something wrong with your new room?
Y/n: Nah. It will probably be fine.
Dulls: You haven't even looked at your room yet? You have plenty of time to chillax so you should go chill and rest.
Y/n: Yah! WTF is wrong with you?!
Dulls: Wae wae wae. What has my innocent soul done now?

Y/n: What do you want me to do here? Why can't I work?
Dulls: welp... maybe we want you to chill and rest and perhaps even bond with some new people... hmm?
Y/n: Screw you. Wait till I tell dad that you threatened his beloved MMrCho.
Dulls: hahaha (sarcastic) And you wait till I tell dad that his dear daughter stayed up all night till six working on the thing despite him telling you not to and then you went to school and are now asking for more work. Keeping in mind that he still hasn't been able to talk to you about the monitor and the supplements since you don't pick up his calls.
Y/n: Don't you fucking dare tell Dad. Why do you always stalk me? Got nothing better to do with life?
Dulls: We just want you to be okay.
Y/n: And? This has always been my routine so why would I want to change it now?
Dulls: Babe. Just because it has always been there doesn't mean it's healthy.
Y/n: (frustrated) I do seem to be alive and I'm fine.
Dulls: that's not the point. (Deep Sigh) Look Nyx, we've barely ever argued before and I'm not going to break that streak now. It's just that you're away from us and we're just worried. You aren't going to tell anyone new and we won't be there if something goes wrong. We know you are more than capable of taking care of yourself but it's more relieving when you are near us (sincere and caring tone). Also... we can do this now because now you can't attempt to murder me like you did the last time. (trying to lighten up the mood)
Y/n: Go Die!
Dulls: Hey! Dad said that. He loves me too much so he's taking the opportunity when you're away from me 😂.
Y/n: Fuck you bitch. (Bored and annoyed)

OTP Ended...

I just closed my eyes and lay there. I could tell, even without opening my eyes that the boys were kind of shocked at the conversation we were having but I just ignored it. All of a sudden Jin started fondling my hair. I tensed at first. Not used to the touch but it felt so comforting that I relaxed almost immediately and fell asleep.

Y/n was on her phone when we walked in. I got myself some tea from the kitchen and when I walked back she had called that friend of hers I think his name was Dulls. I sat next to where her head was and after a while when she cut the call, out of habit (because of my extremely childish brothers) I began to fondle her hair. Namjoon immediately poked me and I felt her tense up as I realized what I was doing I was about to remove my hand but I felt her relax immediately and I hesitantly continued and within seconds, she fell asleep.

We didn't want to disturb her so we just kept quiet for a while but then we started whispering while I was still fondling her hair.

Hoba: Did she stay up all night?
Jimin: And that was a routine for her?
Tae: No wonder she seems so tired and frustrated all the time.
Jin: She works so hard all the time.
Namjoon: No wonder the Choi Empire is so successful.
Suga: She has struggled a lot and still suffers but doesn't let it show.
Namjoon: I know right? Like she acts cold as heck but she's very caring and responsible. Did you guys notice how she got concerned about the bullying?
JK: It felt so good. If only she knew that it was still happening.
Jin: I'm gonna go help the maids with the food.

As soon as I took my hands off her head she began to move around and slightly whined and her pout grew larger until she woke up with a start and looked around herself. She quickly asked us how long we slept being kind of shocked. We informed her that it had only been 10-12 minutes and I suggested that she should sleep more but she just stood up quickly and said

Y/n: You ought to have woken me up.
while grabbing her phone and she also murmured
Y/n: 10 minutes delayed for today now.

She ran to her room and came back in a few minutes wearing some gym leggings and a black oversized shirt and ran to the basement in a hurry, obviously going to the gym room.

Jin: Aish. why is this girl in such a hurry all the time?
Suga: She does live a very disciplined life huh?
Namjoon: I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Hope: She wasn't in that much of a hurry before though.
Jk: I guess she was just waiting to get rid of the jet lag.
Jimin: Welp. We (Tae and Chim) are gonna freshen up and play Overwatch. Tell us when lunch is ready, please.
Tae: You wanna join Kook?
Jk: Yes! I'll join you after I'm done changing.

The maknaes ran to their rooms and all of us went to freshen up after discussing our day too.


Word count: 1132

Published on: April 7 2023


Sorry for the late upload guys. I just don't know what I'm doing with my life at this point...

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