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Hey Birthday special (not part of story)

Today started off boring, yes I know, my birthday, boring. Nope. But that was how it was. No wish, no candy, and especially no gifts. When I got up a note by my mom was left saying she had to head to work early.

I made myself breakfast, which was bread since I didn't feel like making anything. I changed and got my stuff and headed to school. Normally Aiden gets on the same bus, at the same stop. But when I got there he wasn't there. I didn't think much of it.

When we finally got to school, some people wished me happy birthday like my teachers and some other students, but none of my friends. I didn't even see any of there.

I went on with my day hoping to see them at lunch, but when lunch came around, they weren't there, something about photography, science, and baking clubs. So I was alone at lunch.

Finally the long day was over. When the bell rang I speed out of class and to the bus and sat to back. Again Aiden wasn't there. Are they ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?? What is up with them?

I pulled out my phone, plugged in headphones and listen to music the way home.

When I got home things seemed off. My mom doesn't get back for another hour. But someone had pulled down the blinds. Aiden's house across the street seemed too calm.

I open the door cautiously...

Shouted a bunch of voices.

It was Aiden, Mini, Brynee, Nikita, Sheela, Rudy, my mom, and Malini Aunty.

"Y'all didn't forget!!" I exclaimed

"No, we wanted to surprise you" Mini said

I ran and get each of them a hug. (Even Aiden)

"If y'all had forgotten, you wouldn't have lived to see tomorrow"

"We know Shah" he said walking over


Aru Shah One-Shots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now