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Chapter one

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Chapter one

Episode 9


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They had met just outside of the love island villa where they were dropped off ready to go inside and meet everyone

"Hi" the girl said as she walked over to Ayla and brought her into a hug
"I'm Lucinda"

"Lucinda? I'm Ayla. It's nice to meet you"

"Oh my gosh are we going in together?"

"Yes" Ayla let out a sigh of relief and so did Lucinda
"I thought I was going on there myself. I was so nervous"

"Me too!"

"So, from what i know the girls aren't there and the producers have sent a message saying we're on our way. So we just have to go in" Lucinda nodded and placed her hand in Ayla's ready to walk

Ayla: "I'm almost shaking. This is nerve racking. I hope everyone's nice"

"Same, from what I saw everyone seems really nice. So let's just hope. And don't worry. I'll be right with you, you won't be alone" nodding at each other they both started walking up the path into the love island villa and immediately the girls eyes were wide

"It's so pretty in here" Lucinda gushed. They continued walking through the villa till they made it outside and soon enough they saw the guys all sitting there

"Hi guys!" Lucinda shouted to try em all and they all turned around and got up
"How are you?"

"Oh gosh" the guys said. They walked over and the girls started greeting them

"I'm Ayla, this is Lucinda" the first one to get to them was a dark skinned guy

"Hi I'm Aaron"

"Aaron? It's nice to meet you" Ayla walked over to the next guy hugging them all and then they all walked over to the kitchen to talk some more

"Are you guys like all settled down?" Lucinda questioned

"No. I am not" Brad said raising his hand and all the guys laughed at him

Lucinda: "Oh really?"

"I've only known the lass 2 days. Do you know what I mean?" Looking around the kitchen Ayla grew confused

"Where are the cups?" Walking over to Ayla Toby opened the cupboard not far from her and took a glass out

"Here you go"

"Thank you" she smiled at him and he nodded

Toby- "Oh my gosh. Ayla. I was mind blown. She's absolutely stunning. Just everything about her"

"Is she your type?" Ayla asked Brad referring to the girl he was coupled up with at the moment

"Well you're more my type. Both of you" Brad looked stunned and he held his hands on the counter as he tried to compose himself which made them all laugh. Ayla didn't really understand that sentence. Because her and Lucinda were both completely different except the fact they both had nice eyes

They all split ways to talk. Lucinda went and sat with Hugo, jake and Brad on the swing whilst Ayla sat with Toby, Liam and Aaron and on the daybed

"What do you guys go for? Older or younger?" Ayla questioned

"Um, I haven't been with, like, old. To be fair. I'm like, kind of my age or younger" Toby said

Ayla: "Yeah, I don't go for anyone younger than me. I dont care how much younger they are. There's like a point. And it's my birthday or older, do you know what I mean?"

Liam: "Yeah, are you thinking mature?"

"No. I'm not even mature. I just like having an older person"

"You seem like you have quite a reserved personality" Toby added in

"No, you know what?" Ayla said sitting up and they all laughed at her eagerness
"It's not that I'm reserved. It's just it takes a while for me to be comfortable in my surrounding. So like, I'm quiet until I'm comfortable"

"Does that mean meeting new people is hard?"

"Yeah. Like I was stressing to Lucinda as we was walking in"

Liam: "You we're worried?"

"Yeah of course. But you guys are all so nice"

"You're feeling comfortable?"

"Yeah. Exactly. You guys are all so welcome, I just hope the girls are the same. From what I've seen they seem really nice"

Aaron: "No, no. They are. Fiery but nice"

"Oh, who's the fiery ones?" She asked intrigued

Toby: "All of them" the guys all snickered

"That was kind of the issue" Aaron added on

"I think we're all similar. Like laid back and chilled and we just want someone that we can have fun, chill out with" Ayla nodded along
"So what's you're type?"

"Well. i don't really have one"

"Oh come on" the guys groaned and Ayla laughed

"No seriously. So look. Celebrity wise. My favourites are chris evans, Sebastian Stan and Keith powers" the boys all nodded

"Okay. They're actually very different"

"That's what I said" she hummed as she was proven right

"They all look great, but i dont know much about them all apart from their inverviews but it's not always real. they do seem funny though. But I'm going to go for looks"

"Yeah, looks first, personality after"

"Yeah. Exactly, cause if there's no attraction-"

"Then there's no point" Tony finished

"Exactly. And obviously, I'm quite short-"

"Quite" Aaron laughed and she nudged his side

"As I was saying.. I'm quite tall" they all let out a laugh and she shook her head
"No. I'm quite short so I don't need someone overly tall. Just taller than me is fine"

"Ahh! Liam get out!" Aaron pushed liam off the daybed who landed with a groan
"Leave this to us short guys" laughing liam picked himself up off the bed

"No, I'm not saying I won't go for someone tall, just that height isn't a matter to me"


"Oh" everyone turned to Aaron as he got a text and they waited as he went to read it

"Yo! I've got a text!" Lucinda and those sitting around her turned to Aaron
"It's just a selfie of the girls at brunch. Shall we all take one?"

"Yeah!" Everyone got up and made their way over to the beanbags near the pool

"Let's get close" Aaron was in front holding the phone, Jake sat down on the rabbit and Liam crouched whist the others stood up and smiled

"What do you guys think?" Aaron question as he showed them the photo and they all agreed

"I think they'll love it"

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