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Chapter eleven

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Chapter eleven

Episode 21

TEDDY WAS WORRIED. HE WAS ABSOLUTELY SHITITNG IT. WHEN HE HAD TALKS WITH AJ SHE HAD BEEN FLIRTING HEAVILY WITH HIM. HE HADNT HAD THE chance to 1) tell AJ he wasn't feeling it as he was going to later on that night. And 2) tell Ayla he wasn't feeling it with AJ. So he was worried that AJ would pick him and he wouldn't be coupled up with Ayla anymore

AJ: "I would like to cuddle up with this boy because, first of all he is gorgeous. since coming into the Villa he's made me feel so comfortable. he has all the right morals I'm looking for in someone long-term. and I just want to explore where we could go as a couple. So the boy I'd like to couple up with this.... Hugo" Teddy let off a small sigh of relief and clapped with everyone else as AJ went over to hug him and sat beside him

Danny was next who got up. Teddy wasn't that much worried with the fact that Danny might choose Ayla because Ayla had told him she wanted to be friends with Danny, and she believed Danny would respect that

"I would like to couple up with this girl because, coming into the Villa, The first time I seen her, I was drawn to her. Then, obviously getting to know her, I realised we had a lot more in common than I thought. Yeah, she's just stunning and I can see myself having a future with her. So the girl I would like to couple up with is.. Ayla" Ayla felt her heart drop in her chest and her hands that was in Chloe's and Lucindas tightened

The looks around the fire pit were shocked and Teddy looked to see Ayla almost tearing up

She walked over as everyone clapped and hugged Danny before sitting beside him smiling at Danny softly to not make him feel bad

Aaron went next and he chose lucinda to go which wasn't news to anyone since they had been getting to know each other lately

Jake was next, choosing Liberty and then Liam went up choosing faye.

Toby went after choosing Chloe and finally it was teddys turn. Ayla had barely been able to look him in the eye since she knew she would just burst into tears

He stood up, looking between both Sharon and kaz

"I would like to couple up with this girl because she brings a good energy to the villa. She mostly keeps everyone sane. It's obviously not been an easy decision choosing who to send home but at the end of the day it has to be done. So the person I'd like to couple up with is.. kaz" kaz hugged Sharon tightly before she walked over to Teddy, hugged him and sat down and then everyone went over to Sharon

Everyone hugged her tight and helped her with packing and everything before they helped her set off and then everyone made their way outside

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