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Chapter two

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Chapter two

Episode 10

LUCINDA AND AYLA MADE THEIR WAY OVER TO ONE OF THE DAYBEDS SO THAT THEY could talk about their opinions on everyone

"So.. what do we think?" Lucinda questioned once they were both seated and comfortable

"Okay, I like Toby. And I like liam" Ayla started off


"They're both- why did you say it like that?" She had heard the tone in Lucindas voice and thought that maybe her and the girl were clashing with who they liked. Ayla didn't want to be in a competition with her fellow bombshell

"That's good. That's really good. I really like Brad"

"Yeah I caught that" Ayla chuckled breathing a sigh of relief

Lucinda: "I like Aaron. I get along with him so well"

"He's stunning" Ayla nodded along with her

Lucinda: "You know who else I really like? Hugo"

"So everyone then?" They both chuckled and Lucinda placed her hand on Ayla's arm as she tried to compose herself

"He's really lovely"

"Yeah. He'll be really easy to talk to"

Ayla - "I want to get to know everybody. I want to pull everyone aside, have a chat with them singularly, get to know everyone on a single basis and go from there"

"Are you guys whispering as well?" Lucinda shouted over to four of the guys in the kitchen

"No, we dont know what your on about. Not us" liam replied as he pretended to be busy

"Yes you are!" Laying back down they all got back to their conversation

"what do you reckon they're talking about?" Ayla asked Lucinda

"Us. I can see them like, looking. they're obviously talking about who they like" the guys all joined them back on the daybeds once they had finished talking

"are you girls nervous that the girls are gonna come in?" Jake questioned and Ayla thought about it for a moment

Ayla: "Well some of you have said they're really nice. So I'm hoping they are"

"They will be" Aaron assured

Liam: "are you going to play it safe or are you going to go for what you want?"

"I'm gonna go for what I want" Lucinda answered

Brad: "This is gonna be interesting init, Ayla?"

"I'm gonna do the same, but respectfully"

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