Chapter Eleven. Kiss Him

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Year E3029

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Year E3029


The two moons lit the night sky above us as Stopper tried to start the fire. His green flame wasn't catching with the wet branches. Little sparks of emerald flew around, trying to ignite on the surrounding ground.

"Dude, calm down," Wyatt said, stepping on an ember and extinguishing the small green flame that almost caught.

The fallen tree Thomas and I were sitting on soaked up my already wet pants. My breath clouded around my lips as I fidgeted my legs, bouncing them from the cold.

"The stupid thing won't catch!" Stop yelled while throwing the branch at Wyatt's face.

Wyatt moved just in time for the stick to come flying at me. With zero reflexes, I let the branch smack me in the face. I knew the glare I gave Stopper could kill a male colossus.

He smiled at me, then pointed at the flame he finally lit. "Look, fire," Stopper said in an amazed voice, trying to get out of trouble while moving his arms around like a magician at the circus.

The green flame caught fast, bringing heat to everyone. Stopper stood up from his crouched position, bowing to everyone, the solo performance playing in his head. As much pain in my ass as these guys were, they are all I have in this shit world. Wyatt laughed at Stopper as they joked with one another.

The stump beneath me rocked forward as Dylan sat beside Thomas, sandwiching him between us. "So, Thomas, what was Ocea like as a kid?"

"Stop, Dylan. He doesn't know," I replied instead of Thomas.

Dylan put his hands in the air with a smirk, knowing what he did but trying to get a reaction from Thomas. "What? I'm trying to help him."

"It's not helping," I responded.

Thomas tilted his head. "Well," he said, then looked at me. "He's helping because I knew you knew more, but you won't tell me."

Dylan laughed. "Oh, yes, she knows." He wiggled his eyebrows with a side smirk.

I widened my expression. "Yes, we knew each other, but—" I said, being interrupted.

"Yes, I knew it," Thomas responded, clapping his hands together.

"But I feel you should discover your memories by yourself, not me telling you what you want. I want you to remember without my help." I glanced into his brown eyes.

"And who decided that?" Stopper added his input.

"I did," I said back with attitude. "I'm the head of this, so I decide."

Stopper shrugged his shoulders, then looked at Thomas. "Sorry, dude, you are on your own."

Dylan leaned over Thomas with a wide smile. "I say kiss him," he said with his hands flowering his face. "Maybe that will spark something."

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