Part 3

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"Well sweetheart mommy is ready whenever you are ready to come out" he says as he was talking to her that morning cause Freddie was with his mom right now so Louis was all alone in the huge mansion right now so he could concentrate on labor if the baby decided that she wanted to be born that day and he was hoping that she would come sooner rather then later cause his weekend with Freddie was coming up once again and he wanted to have the baby before that weekend

The baby gave him a bit of a kick cause she was a happy girl and she loved her mommy a lot right now

"I take it you are good and I don't think you are going to make your appearance for a while at least" he says as he was talking to her that day cause he didn't get any hints that she was going to be coming at all and that was a good sign from her

Louis went about his day of course and he talked to his daughter of course

(Days later)

Freddie just got picked up by his mom and Louis was all alone in the house again and he was heading to the kitchen when he was hit by a pain in his lower stomach cause he has been having practice contractions the whole time Freddie was there so he knew his little girl was going to be coming after her brother left and Louis was totally fine with that cause he didn't want Freddie to see him in a lot of pain either or see him deliver the baby, so it was just Louis for the whole thing too which was totally fine with him cause it just wanted to be him the whole time anyway when he has the baby as well cause he did not want no one to be there when he has the baby cause he was going to have a water birth cause all he had to do is empty the water cause Freddie helped him set up the birthing pool and he had hooked up the hose for him all he had to do is fill up the pool when it came time to have the baby cause he had gotten everything that he needed for a home birth way ahead of time so all he had to do was sterilize everything that he was going to need for the home birth

"I think this is going to be the real thing" he says as he was going to time the contractions and see if it was going to be another false alarm or if it was going to be the real thing

Louis was going to get everything sterilized in case this was the real thing and the baby was going to be coming that day and he was going to have two kids one was in school and a newborn and he was going to keep her protected

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