Part 3

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"Let's have it" he says as he sends out the tweet before the show cause he was ready to get it started and get it over with as well which was not going to be easy at all either cause his little one would want to come cause he had a feeling he was going to go into labor before the show was over and he was leaving to go to the next city as well and he was going to be in labor all night long and he was going have to cancel the next show cause he was in labor and he was going to come up with some excuse to why the show has to be canceled and the fans are going to want to know if he was okay and then the press will have to be involved and he will have the show rescheduled for the following day if he had given birth by then which he was hoping he was going to have the longest labor at all either which was not going to be good for him cause he will not be able to perform for the fans at all either he was going to be too tired to perform from having the baby and of course taking care of the child so he was going to get a nanny for the rest of the tour cause he was going to be way too tired from performing and handling the baby he was bound to go into depression

Louis concert was going to plan and the fans were having a total blast as well listening tot he song and towards the end Louis got a cramp right in his middle and he brushed it off as nothing and he went about the whole show like that until he had a strong enough cramp made him drop his microphone to the ground and he knew this was going to be the real thing and not a practice round which he has been having lately since tour started so he had a feeling that this was the real thing and the baby was going to be born while on tour either backstage or on stage and Louis was hoping it was going to be backstage for the birth cause he did not want to do it on stage in front of the fans as well too and that was not going to be a good experience cause if it was he was going to cancel the show then have the baby then do the cancel show the following day hopefully depending on his labor and everything as well too which was going to be really scary as well for him in general right now which was not good at all especially since he was on tour and that was going to cause delays in the scheduling and the tour stops and everything else as well too so he was hoping that the baby came soon

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