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This is going to be a short chapter cause of time and everything

Louis Tomlinson was in his works tour to promote his newest album and of course he had to be careful with what he did cause he could go into labor at anytime during the performance and that was not going to be good at all cause the baby was going to be born between cities and Louis did not want to postpone his concert cause the baby decide to come when it wanted to and not when he wanted it too cause his concerts were going to be back to back and he did not have time to be in labor or see if he was in labor as well so if he ended up being in labor he will not even know that he was going to be in labor cause he had to catch the next plane to the next city on the tour and get some sleep as well so the baby was going to be born between cities and between flights

"That was a great concert onto the next city" he says as he was going to board the jet to go to the next city that was on the schedule cause he was not going to get a proper break for a while by the looks of it and if the baby wants to come then the baby can come then cause he will have time to bond with the bs y and get used to having another little one around

Louis started to get a pain in his middle and he blew it off as a cramp cause he was moving around the stage a lot during the concert and dancing with the music so he figured he pulled a muscle in his stomach and not have it be labor pains or it could be hunger pains cause he has not eaten a lot during the tour so he was going to eat something on the flight and then go to sleep

(Next city)

Louis was refreshed and ready to go again he was going to do his usual pre show routine to get him energized for that concert in particular and he was going to eat before the show that time that way the pains don't come back and he was going to use the loo as well too before he got on and this time he sat down too cause he had to go twice and he felt a lot of water leave his body at the time and he brushes it off as nothing

"Well might as well get showered and get ready for the show" he says as he heads for his dressing room

He continues to pass the pains off as cramps and he didn't feel much pressure either so he figured the baby was just fine but that tube was going to change later on when he was going to hear that cry

"Let's have it" he says as he sends out the tweet before the show

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