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As I wondered around kicking rocks, I looked for the entrance to the glade. Where would it be? Probably no where near me. The silence was deadly so I started humming a tune. It was a random tune until I started remembering it, remembering! I whistled and hummed loudly, proud of my memory. It calmed me down making me feel something spark inside. As I darted different ways the tune kept going over and over. It seemed happy and not depressing. I pulled on ivy ripping it from the wall and placing it on me like a scarf. Why was I so happy? I know I just survived the night but I had also been given horrific pictures placed into my mind like a disc. Was it because I would be the first to survive or was it that I would see the guys again, well if I can find the entrance.

The routs seemed the same, ivy and hard, cold walls everywhere. Then I heard mumbles and sighs from nearby. I quietly squealed with joy as it was definitely people. It soon went silent so I hummed again. Right, left, right, forward, right. This was hard. There were so many ways to go. I came to a long path then when I got to the end I looked right, nothing. I turned to my left and squealed again, jumping up and down like a weirdo as I had found an entrance. "Wooh! I've bloody found it." I said delighted.

My eyes fixed on a figure ahead and I ran to it. The person shouted "she's here, look sh-she made it back! Wait, what?" It was Chuck, I could tell by his voice. "How did you survive?!" He asked puzzled. I hugged Chuck thankful for making it back. A crowd started to form and get closer. Everyone soon realised that it was really me and cheered with relief and happiness. Newt seemed to be one of the happiest as he came over and hugged me tightly which made me grin. "I'm so happy you bloody survived" he whispered so only I could here. I wrapped my arms around his neck breathing in his scent, the smell made me feel safe. We finally stopped hugging and everyone quietened as Alby stepped forward. "How did you do it?"
"I-I don't know." I said and told them the story of what happened.

"So you killed 3 grievers! Impressive." Minho exclaimed while others cheered again.
"Yep, but Orson died." I remembered his body and shivered.
"He was going to die anyway." Alby grunted. "I'm glad your back." He smiled. Finally he smiled for once! Everyone got back to work while I ate breakfast and talked with Newt.
"That's amazing. You didn't get killed, I was so worried.." He trailed off.
"I'm surprised that I made it. I mean no one's ever survived the night." I told him.
"Well I'm glad your back with us."

It was normal for the rest of the day. The runners went to find the dead grievers which Gally didn't approve on. He said that it was bad that I killed them as they could start something. People just ignored him. I went to bed early and woke up with aching legs. Great. Minho made me do running around the glade which didn't help and I realised I was going to slow. "How did a griever not get you?" He questioned sarcastically.
"Minho, I was chased for most of the night while you dreamed about your ideal husband. My legs ache."

"Hahaha very funny now carry on." He muttered. I laughed at him getting angrier at me but I soon sprinted away.

I did push-ups, sit-ups, different stretches and running. It was the last run so I went against Minho. "C'mon, show me how fast you are!" He chuckled.
"Fine, probably beat you anyway." I smirked and got in position.
"1!" And we were off. It was the first person to finish the lap. He was in front by a bit. "Go faster!" He panted, so I did. I didn't care if my muscles ached anymore, I was beating him. Overtaking him, I had got about half way around the lap.
"Hurry up Minho, I'm having a refreshing walk here." I chuckled and he joined in. I took a deep breath again cause I didn't really want to die. He got quicker and overtook me. Need to go faster, go faster!

My body hurt but I still darted ahead of Minho, the wind slapping my face. We could see the finish and we exchanged glances like 'I'm going to win, not you, me.' Both of us sped up and it was near the end now. Minho suddenly got faster and ran in my 'lane' so I couldn't go faster here, I had to move. The finish was close. Near the end a burst of energy came making me go slightly in the lead but it must of came to Minho as well as he went ahead and won. We crossed the finish line but he went in front and tripped me up making me hit my head against the ground.

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