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Brendan & Harlan ran through the city's entrance, noticing they were too late. She immediately spotted him, recognizing the reflective stripes on his pants. There was another one too, also with the same attire, but from what Harlan could see he was long haired & blonde. He would potentially be handsome if he weren't the lowest scum of Hoenn. The two criminals were deep in conversation.

Harlan angrily ripped herself away from Brendan. Brendan tried to protest, but she wouldn't listen. She sprinted head on towards the two Admins, skidding to a halt in front of them. The first one Harlan had encountered turned upon hearing her, smirking. The second one looked mostly confused. "Who is this?" he asked.

"I'll handle this, Blaise," the first one said. "Look who it is," he announced nastily. "Come back for more?"

"Don't even bother. What are you people doing here?" Harlan yelled at him.

"Heh!" All the first one did was laugh & look at the other Admin, Blaise, who, behind him, smirked. "Does it look like we're doing anything? No need to shout. You're attracting attention," he chided, looking back at Harlan. Harlan bared her teeth.

"Is this your girlfriend, Tabitha?" Blaise teased, stepping closer. "She's cute." Harlan sent Raiju in front of her just in case the two men tried something.

"She wishes she was." Tabitha glowered at Harlan, smiling nastily & showing off his teeth. Harlan could've sworn he had fangs like a Pokémon rather than canines. "Don't get yourself tangled up in any trouble, little lady."

"Don't call me that," Harlan growled. Both men laughed at her.

"What's your name, kid?" Tabitha asked. He knelt to her eye level. Blaise crouched. "If you tell me, I won't call you a little lady anymore. I swear on my mother."

"You say that as if we were going to meet again. It's Harlan, for your information. Now tell me what you're up to!"

"Harlan." Tabitha looked a little distracted now, but he refocused on her again. He didn't comment on her name, but there was something in his eyes she couldn't pick up on.

Harlan glared at him, grinding her teeth.

"We aren't up to anything," Blaise said, standing. "If we were, you'd know."

"Let's get out of here before Miss Harlan tries to shock us to a crisp with her dog," Tabitha feigned fear in his voice. He & Blaise both let out a Swellow. Harlan opened her mouth to call out a move for Raiju to use on them both, but Tabitha was too quick.

"Mightyena, Shadow Ball!" he ordered again, & his Mightyena came out of nowhere, throwing a Shadow Ball into the ground. Harlan coughed as the dust enveloped her & Raiju. When it cleared, the two Admins & the Mightyena were gone.

"Fuck!!" Harlan cursed. She turned to go find Brendan, only to find he was standing behind her.

He looked at her quizzically, but Harlan shoved him out of the way. "Don't ask," she muttered.

Harlan looked to the sky again, possibly spotting two dots on the horizon. Her eyes were probably playing tricks on her. She lifted her glasses, rubbing her eyes, & turned & stalked into the Pokémon Center.

"You're sure?" Brendan asked, following her like a lost puppy.

"I'm fine!" Harlan snapped, fully fed up with her rival. "Let's get out of here. The sooner, the better."

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