Chapter 2

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•🕸️Annika's POV🕸️•

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•🕸️Annika's POV🕸️•

The stars were twinkling in the sky, as I look up, I was sitting in the van holding on tightly to the letter I received a few weeks ago, it was a great opportunity but I couldn't imagine leaving the gang behind, it was a choice between the two things I love the most, a difficult choice.

"Where did you disappear too?" Fred asks, I looked up and saw the gang finally coming out of the factory. "It's not like I was needed in there anymore, and there was plenty of you going around anyway." I say, a little bit annoyed with him questioning me about my whereabouts.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Fred asks, which showed me, he has no idea what I was talking about, of course he didn't, why would he.

"It means you always have to have that precious spotlight on yourself, even tho you don't do anything or everything by yourself." I state, hoping it would get through to him.

"I can't believe you took credit for my plan again." Velma spoke up unhappy with our leader. Fred has taken credit for Velma's plans so many times, it's not even funny anymore.

"Some plan. That ghost pawed me for an hour and a half." Daphne says, staring at Velma, with a disapproving look on her face.

"It's your own fault for always ending up getting kidnapped." I say in annoyance.

"I do not always get kidnapped. Fred how can you let her say that to me." Daphne says, staring up at him with her puppy dog eyes, hoping he'll jumped to her aid.

"Please you come with your own ransom note." the Dinkley woman states. Velma's glasses was grabbed off her face after those words left her mouth.

This whole situation, I found it to be a good old laugh, especially when Velma ended up strangling Fred, thinking it was Daphne.

"You guys, look. I know I'm just the dude that carries the bags, but it seems to me like we all play an important part in this group." Shaggy spoke up making the rest of us look at him. "I mean we're just like a big delicious banana split. Fred your the big banana. Daphne you're the pastrami and bubblegum flavoured ice cream, Velma you're the sweet and sour mustard sauce that goes on top and Anni you're the thick caramel syrup at the bottom." Shaggy told us, a smile on his face.

I could see the description Shaggy had given us was making poor Scoob hungry.

"Mmm mmm!" was all Scooby could muster up to say. "That sounds pretty good, doesn't it?" Shaggy asks, looking at his best friend.

The sudden silence between us was an really awkward type of silence, but Shaggy was only trying to stop his friends from fighting.

"You know what Shaggy? You've really put it in perspective for me." Velma says to him, a sad smile on her face.

"Thanks." Shaggy says.

"I quit!" Velma states.

"No." Shaggy whispers sadly.

"No way. You can't quit. I was going to quit in, like, 2 seconds. Now everyone is going to totally think I copied of the smart girl." Daphne started complaining.

"Well I was going to quit anyway, this is a good time than any other, I quit!" I spoke up, staring up at the sky, turning to look at the gang, I caught Fred staring at me in betrayal.

"Now, wait a minute!" Fred says looking me straight in the eyes, "Maybe I quit. I do. Yeah, I quit!" he states, walking away from us, from me, it felt like my world was being ripped apart, I turned my attention to Shaggy, who was staring at the others sadly watching them leave.

"Do you mind if I stay with you guys for awhile?" I ask him.

"Like, no problem Anni."

"Do I quit?" Scooby asks sadly looking at us with those sad puppy eyes of his.

I kneeled down, infront of him, rubbing his head, "Scoob, friends never quit, you'll always be important to me, and both of you will always have a special place in my heart." I pull him into a hug, Shaggy joining the hug too.

"Not as important as Fred is that's for sure." Shaggy whispers into the hug teasingly, Scooby snickering.

"What did you say?" I ask them with my eyebrow raised, " I said let's get out of here." Shaggy says quickly smiling innocently at me.


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