Chapter 32

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👻Annika's POV👻

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👻Annika's POV👻

"All right, gang. The Monster Hive is right over there. Let’s get this control panel and plug her in." Fred immediately instructs, but I knew why he was trying to hurry all of this, this needed to be stopped and fast.

The whining of the horse, came fro the darkness, just as the Black Knight Ghost appeared out of a cloud of smoke, on his horse. "You go nowhere, knave." He says to us, after staring at us intensely.

Fred looks at all of us, "You guys take the long way around. And I’ll hold him off." He says, making me hesitate to leave, his words clearly didn't sit well with the ghost glaring back at us.

"Come on." Velma says, making a run for it.

"Go get him, Fred." Shaggy says to him, following behind Velma.

"Please be careful." I told him, he gave me a nod in response. "Come on, Anni!" Daphne yells, when I was sure I could leave him, I followed the others.

"I’m coming!"

Running in-between the building, just as the 10 000 Volt Ghost appeared out of nowhere. "Not so fast!" The ghost yells, the others were able to jump over the stream of water, as it sends an electrical shock through the water, right there I made up my mind.

"Guys, go, get that damn control panel to the Hive. Leave Sparky to me." I state, they were uncertain to leave, but did anyway. "We’ve got it, Anni!" Velma yells, as they disappeared around one of the many buildings in this place.

The ghost did some weird Kung Fu pose, I grabbed the nearest pole I could find pointing it at the monster infront of me.

"Scary." The monster says in a mocking tone.

I don't know why I chose to stay behind, I have no way of winning this, but maybe I'll be able to distract it long enough. "Come at me." Is all I said.

I only ended up send flying over a building, I fell to the ground, and rolled straight into Fred's arms, who was also laying on the ground.

"Anni? Anni, are you okay?" Fred asks in concern, his hand on my cheek. "I might only have a massive headache later, but I'm okay." I tell him softly, I slowly looked up into his eyes. "I guess this is it, huh?" I ask him, unsure if we would actually make it out alive.

Fred's feature's softened, as his eyes didn't leave mine, even in our situation I felt like it was only us at that very moment. "Oh, baby. I’m afraid. What a wimp, huh?" Fred asks, he really was afraid what I thought of him.

"It makes you human Fred, not a wimp. Your so far from being a wimp." I told him honestly, Fred was about to say something when we got interrupted, pulling me back to reality.

"On your knees, knave." The Black Knight Ghost says, approaching us.

"Can’t you see we’re talking?" Fred asks irritated that our conversation got cut short. "Talking is for wimps." The Knight says.

"You can’t fool me with that macho facade. You’re just afraid to show your sensitive side." Fred states sitting up straight.

"You’ve touched my inner child. And he’s really mad!" The Knight yells, slashing his sword at us, Fred rolled to the right and I to the right to avoid being touched by his blade, getting up on our feet.

The 10 000 Volt ghost also arrived once again, putting us in a difficult situation.

"Dead end." Sparky states, walking closer to us. I turned to look behind me, seeing the jumper cables laying in the van, it made me come up with an idea.

"Fred, remember when you used to wear a jumper?" I asked, moving backwards, not to get splashed at.

"What? Me? In a jumper?" Fred asks, clearly confused at where I was going with this. "There was that show we use to watch." I say, not remember the shows name, but as he stared into the van, he immediately got what I was trying to say. He grabs the one side of the cables throwing it at me.

I saw the pole laying by my feet, throwing it up in the air like a soccer ball connecting it to it.

"Do it!" Fred yells, I threw the pole like I was throwing a spear right into the 10 000 Volt Ghost, Fred connected the other ends to the Black Knight Ghost. He grabbed my hand pulling me away.

"Lights out."

"Blackout! Blackout!" Sparky yells getting sucked into the pole, causing an explosion, blasting the knight into piece that flew everywhere.

"Oh, crap."

Fred and I quickly made our way to the Monster Hive, hoping the others has already arrived there.


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