Chapter 18

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🕸️CHAPTER 18🕸️

•🕸️Annika's POV🕸️•

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•🕸️Annika's POV🕸️•

We decided to stay the whole week, before leaving. Shaggy and Scooby dragged me to their all you can eat earlier that morning, which ended up cheering me up a bit, the two goofballs ate jars of chilli peppers, just for the fun of it.

When I bumped into Velma and Daphne later that day, they kept asking me about Fred and I, I knew they only cared, but how was I suppose to answer them when I don't even have the answers myself.

When it started getting dark I went for a walk, towards the beach. I sat down, where the water was only able to touch my toes, looking up, staring at the stars and the clouds.

"There you are."

An all too familiar voice spoke up from behind me, I knew it was Fred, I could feel him taking a seat next to me.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask looking at him curiously. "Daphne told me." Fred says, looking straight ahead. I stared at him a million thoughts running through my head.

"When did you set it?" I ask, he turned to look at me, confused. "Set what?" Fred asks, looking at me in question. "You have set up a trap, when I got caught, I am not aware of, but I do know is that no one captured my heart quite like you did." I told him honestly.

Fred was only staring at me, it made me nervous. I wanted to beg him to say something, but I didn't . "And you Annika Martin has captured my heart too, like no other girl ever could." Fred says, the smile climbing on my face couldn't be stopped.

I left a kiss on his cheek, he suddenly grabbed me, putting me on his lap, pulling me into a long passionate kiss, how I wished I could stay in this moment forever.


Perfect Trap ☆ Fred Jones (Scooby Doo) Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now